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erase startup-config from ROMMON or Resete 6506 SUP720

Level 1
Level 1

Hi there guys

Guess what, I have messed up a switch again J

My only excuse is that I am a student heheheh

So here is what happened

I uploaded a config which must have some mistake on the line con 0

And now every time I get to the console prompt to ask me for the login and password I just can?t get to the prompt

It refreshes the banner motd and when I hit enter it just shows the banner motd, so I can?t ever get to the point of entering the login and password

This switch is not live so I can?t telnet into it.

I have two options

Delete the start up config or reset the switch to factory settings

I have looked online and I only came across this solution:

In rommon mode to enter confreg 0x2142 and then reload show by pass the startup config, I tried and it didn?t L

I tried it yesterday but it didn?t work L

Does any one have any knowledge or can dig up some documentation of how I cold undo this mess I did?

Thank you very much for you help in advance

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