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RV110W and single port forwarding problem

Hello Community,

I have a strange problem with my RV110W router. I've set up a single port forwarding (80 and 8080) to my ethernet computer which I use for CRM application. It works for few days and then stops. I need to reboot the device and after that it works again for few days. Is it right for that router??? What should I do to have permanent port forwarded? Please reply.

Thank you very much in advance

Grzegorz Janiszewski

5 Replies 5

Tom Watts
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

Hi Greg, this was a known issue with the RV110W. The best thing I could recommend is to flash to the firmware and factory reset the router. If it still has problems like this, open a ticket with the small business support center.

Please mark answered for helpful posts

-Tom Please mark answered for helpful posts

Hi Tom and thanks for the reply.

I have a firmware istalled on my router. This is the latest on your website. You mean that I should downgrade to

And another question: This issue (as you wrote) is known with RV110W so other routers (RV120W or RV042-EU) don't have such problems? If there is no solution for the RV110W problem, I'll have to buy other type of your router and wait till you resolve port forwarding problem with RV110W or use it in place where port forwarding is not used.


Level 1
Level 1

Czesc Grzegorz.

mam rv110w i mam problem z blokowaniem portow forwardowanych.

Ustawilem zdalna administracje,porty FTP, RCP, VNC, MSTSC i po jakims czasie odcina mnie router od tych uslug.

Pomaga tylko i wylacznie restart routera.

Myslalem ze to wina lacza bo mam symetryk NETIA 4/4 ale widze po twoich anonsach ze to chyba wina routera.

Napisz prosze co pomoglo w Twoim przypadku. Czy downgrade softu??



Skontaktowałem się z supportem Cisco gdzie stwierdzili, że problem jest im znany. Zaproponowali wymianę routera na inny model i na swój koszt jako, że jest to ich wina. Zadzwoń do nich to wymienią i tobie.


Dzieki za info.

Ja mam az dwa takie routery!! Oba tak samo sie zachowuja!!

Bede wdzieczny jak mi dasz namiary gdzie i jak sie skontaktowac!!

Prezes w firmie w ktorej zamontowalem wiesza psy na mnie bo sie wszystko rozpina i nie dziala!!

Przeslij mi prosze wszystko co sie da zebym mogl ta sprawe w miare szybko wyjasnic !!


Bogdan z Wrocławia