I have a sip gateway connect to the LAN side of RV180 router which has ALG enabled. I have no problem to make and receive calls but sometime I see the router does not forward the 'Bye' message from the VOIP service provider to the sip gateway.
Attached a wireshark capture on both WAN and LAN of RV180.
sip gateway ip:
RV180 WAN ip:
VOIP provider ip: and
In the capture frame 4292, a 'Bye' message reaches the WAN of RV180 but it never forward the 'Bye' to the sip gateway with internal ip
All settings in RV180 are default with only ALG enabled.
I tried to setup Access Rule or Port Forward but none seems to work. Not sure if they are over-ruled by ALG?
With ALG enabled, is it possible to have individual Access Rule? If there are conflicts between ALG and Access Rule, which has higer priority?