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RV220W - disappointing firmware update strategy

Cosimo Amore
Level 1
Level 1

Due to the large amount of known issues which are still open with the actual firmware release v1.0.4.17 and due to the fact that there hasn't been any new release since 21-AUG-2012, I'm really disappointed about the firmware release stategy of the Cisco SMB section.

Does anyone know anything about what's comming and when it may be expected?

13 Replies 13

Level 1
Level 1

Hi Cosimo, my name is Luis I am part of the Small business Support community. I apologize for your bad experience; let me offer you, assistance.  What is happening with your device? What kind of large amount of known issues you are having? Remember that you can ask us for assistance, we will be more than glad to help you.

Thank you,


Luis Arias.

Cisco Network Support Engineer.


maybe you should read the known issues section of the releasenotes for the firmware and the complaint/questions on this forum. These known issues should have been fixed by now...

And please, don't start telling us we should call Cisco support by phone... we're no longer living in the 1990s...


Servaas te Brake has provided you with the answer already but in addition to that I just wanted to inform you that I'm in contact with your support to get things solved.

Mainly it is concerning SSLVPN with Win7. See error below during the installation phase of the virtual adapter.

Error: The modem (or other connecting device) has reported an error.


An issue that isn't in the release notes for 1.04.17 is the random reboots the router suffers.

I spent a lot of time and effort in March this year looking into this and discovered that if you have a torrent client running then the router will randomly reboot. It might take 5 minutes or 5 days but the the reboots will happen.

I'm not experiencing this problem, I can't remember my router rebooting on its own...

One of my concerns is the remote logging facilities, or (better said) the absence of it... The only loggings that are being sent to my server have to do with kernel warnings/errors. Nothing with respect to dropped packets, failed VPN login attempts etc...

We use this in the office and we have experienced random reboots with only two active users. No torrenting or other high connection activity existed at the time. I would say overall it has low load and has only randomly rebooted twice in the last several months I have been here since I updated it to the latest firware and reconfigured it but it still does occur randomly.

My router reboots frequently and I never thought it could be related to torrent traffic, but I do use torrents often, so there might be some relation there. For some time I thought it could be related to overheating, but after changing it to a table top instead of a shelf with other equipments, the reboots still occur.

Regarding the logs I must agree with you. Although I've enabled logging for dropped packets, I don't see that information in the logs. But I do receive lots of messages regarding NULL pointers.


Same problem here, I do receive lots of messages regarding NULL pointers.

When will the new firmware come out to fix this?


I have the same random reboot problem and I am quite sure that this is related to bittorrent application in my case.

Even with no BT tasks but with the bittorrent client running, the router would reboot by itself randomly from once a day or as many as several times daily. However, the router stay alive for months if I turn off all BT clients, regardless how heavy loading I have for activities other than BT. Approached twice the cisco support earlier this year with no clues. I did some heavy research and tunes on the matter and somebody said it might be due to the router ran out of "network translation table", or similar, I forgot what the term it is exactly. For now, I simply turn off all BT clients when I don't need BT.

Honestly I am quite pleased of other features of this RV220w, e.g. IPSEC, SSLVPN, fast performance, etc. Still this random reboot problem irritate me to some content. Hopefully the new firmware will come soon to tackle this problem then I will recommend this product to my friends.

Level 5
Level 5

The Cisco SMB RV-series of routers always have some sort of bug, and the firmwares aren't always a fix even when they're released.  It's just the nature of the product.

Huntsville's Premiere Car and Bike e-magazine:

Huntsville's Premiere Car and Bike e-magazine:

Bas van Oerle
Level 1
Level 1

Same problem here. Tried everything but still rebooting three times a day. When will the new firmware come out to fix this?

A few days ago I rebooted my router because of excessive logging, (the logfile grew to more than 4 Gigabytes large within a couple of days). After that manual reboot it rebooted spontaneously 3 times within 2 hours...

An hour ago I again manually rebooted the router...

The reason?

Again excessive logging, resulting in a logfile larger than 1 Gigabyte within 2 days....

message that gets logged around 20 times per second (before the reboot):

Sep  2 14:25:50 router LOGGING [System] sqlite3QueryResGet failed

some more very frequent lines in the logfile:

Sep  2 14:25:17 router KERNEL [Kernel] WARNING:cvmx_ptr_to_phys() passed a NULL pointer

Sep  2 14:25:17 router KERNEL [Kernel] cvm_ipfwd_cache_flow: Failed to allocate flow info buffer

Is there just a way to disable the logging altogether?  Maybe that will extend the uptime.

Huntsville's Premiere Car and Bike e-magazine:

Huntsville's Premiere Car and Bike e-magazine: