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Level 5
Member since ‎01-17-2010

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I have an RV016 that I want to use just for accepting PPTP connections.  It will have to sit behind another router in either the DMZ or have ports forwarded to it. What will theRV016 subnet and any static routes need to look like to access the LAN on...
I have two rv016s connected site-to-site to Netgear FVS114 and FVS124G.  But while the SA lifetimes are set for 3600, I'm seeing tunnel activity in the logs almost every minute like this:Mar  1 12:05:09 2014     VPN Log    [Tunnel Negotiation Info] Q...
I'm completely dumbfounded on this.  Everything is set the same as an existing Netgear unit (FVS124G) that the FVS318N is replacing.  Every option is completely identical.  It connects fine to other endpoints that are Netgear, but not the rv016s.  An...
This seems to be a growing problem as ISPs are having to answer to copyright holders for any infringement on their networks.A good chunk of the DMCA requests we see are due to Bit Torrent.  While there is no singular way to block this protocol, I am ...
So after working with smb-level products for a couple of decades, I've gotten to a point where I can finally justify enterprise class equipment. Now, the problem is which one?  In the ASA 5505 data sheet there's at least 9 different part numbers with...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-17-2010 07:57 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-30-2024 10:36 AM
Posts 697
Total Helpful Votes Received 73
Community Spotlight Award
Small Business, February 2015
Community Spotlight Award
Small Business June 2013
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