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RV320 custom services management buggy

Rasmus Rask
Level 1
Level 1

I've encountered several bugs and quirks, when trying to add custom services, and use them for firewall rules and port forwarding.


  • Deleting a custom service, does not (always) delete the one checked
  • Deleting a custom service, adding a custom service from port forward page, sometimes adds an "any service" rule
  • A deleted custom service, suddenly re-appears when adding port forward, even though verified deleted in Service Management
  • Duplicate services exist in combobox when adding port forward, though no duplicates are present under Service Management

I'm on firmware v1.1.0.09.

Are you aware of this Cisco? Is there a firmware fix scheduled?

14 Replies 14

Kremena Ivanova
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


Please, have a look the release notes for firmware

It shows the official bugs that the development team is aware of and working on finding a solution.

If you don't find there the problems you have with RV320, you can help us by calling the Technical Support, so we can bring them to the development team

Hereby our contacts:

As for now we dont have an ETA for the next firmware



Fixed now in the most recent firmware update (see link below)  :D

Level 1
Level 1

I have the same issue.  It's fast, but the "Service Management ..." pop-up (after hitting Save to delete a service) shows "Critical Error.  Contact Support." (or something of the like) and then closes.  This is very annoying since the only way I've found around the problem is to reset the router to factory defaults.

I have this problem too.

I can no longer add port forwards or delete custom service managment names to the table. Any new forward will result in:

[TCP&UDP/~] instead of the custom service managment that I try to create. I'm also running I have looked at the PDF referenced by the cisco forum employee and this is not listed.

Edit: I pretty much have this narrowed down to the last service management entry.  If you pad a few entries with random service ports, you will be able to use the ones above it. Only workaround that I can manage at this time.

I know this is a very old thread. but this problem still persists in firmware v1.4.2.17 (2017-10-30, 15:50:18).


I can't added more than 48 port forwarding. Any assistance are welcome.



I'm on and after adding in some services now I can't add anymore. The pop-up appears and then I put in the info needed and when I hit save it closes the pop-up window but it doesn't actually save the new service update. What is going on, how do you guys at Cisco expect customers to be happy with this especially small businesses that have to rely on this?

I am having this exact same issue.  We upgraded to a RV320 this last summer.  When I first set it up, it was great and I had no problems adding the necessary services and Port Address Translations to allow many users to access their PC's remotely.  Ever since the initial setup, I cannot add, delete, or modify any of these entries.  Any changes I make do not get saved.  

If this is a browser compatibilty issue, what DOES work?  I have had zero luck with IE10, Chrome, Firefox.  



Usually this is happening when the configuration was done first and after that a firmware upgrade. Factory reset resolve the problem.




Has done this to me on a brand new RV320, only bought it 2 days ago. Factory reset and adding the service management entries again has the same issue - can only add 16, at that point can no longer add/delete/edit entries. Tried IE, Firefox, and Chrome, it's not a browser issue, the router shows "Critical error" in the popup window.


I would suggest to contact the support line and an engineer can verify the problem.

Hereby our contacts:




I've opened a support case, will be interesting to see what the response is.

According to there is a beta firmware which fixes the issue so it appears it's a known one, yet still hasn't been fixed in over a year as it was present in the previous firmware too. Unfortunately no response was given by Nagaraja Thanthry when asked what the ETA is for this firmware.

FYI for anyone else that has been experiencing this problem:  


This issue is fixed now in Firmware released on December 29, 2014.  I just updated the firmware on my RV320 remotely last night to and it fixed this issue immediately after the firmware update and reboot.  The link to the firmware page is below.


Same Issue for me too.

I don't believe that Cisco had mess so much with these RV32x series....

Not only the "service Management"  problems but i got other compatibility problems with VoIP providers.

It seem's that the NAT refresh time got some lake situation too, and unfortunately there is no option into the interface to change is value.

Give only few manual entries of service managment ports reduce this product into a residential usage, even this i meet these limitation with some residentials users with NAS that provide many services and absolutely need to open more than 30 ports.

Upnp can force to ad some entry, but in fact this can start another problem of overload the list in port forwarding

Cisco, can you read this, this is not an entry level of router we are talking here, and we can't effort to fall on basic services non work situation, please react fastest as you can to provide a thru fix on all these problems or we will need to completly forget Cisco Small Businness products routers.

Level 1
Level 1

Well we had the same problem. Contacted with support, they opened a case.

But after some trying we figured out, that custom service setting save problems caused by browser incompatibility with all major desktop browsers and related to moving out the mouse from popup window after clicking the save button.

I'ts not a professional solution, but with iPhone / iOS7 / Safari save works fine :)