I've tried to figure this out but with no joy. I have a 2511 TS linked into my CCNP lab and configured it with default gateway pointing to my ADSL router. The TS has a staic local IP in my LAN also I have port forwarding set up on my ADSL router to direct all Telnet (not cofigured for ssh yet) sessions to the TS.
The TS is linked to the ADSL router via the transceiver module ( CentreCom AT-210TS) which feeds the ADSL router with ethernet connection.
I have tried to access the TS from a remote location but with no joy, fortunately I also have it consoled to my PC so I SSH to the PC and then run my terminal emulator from there. Using SSH to the PC and then minicom to the TS when doe this way (Remote Location>Ubuntu>minicom>TS) I can see the ethernet interface has no MAC address when i do a sh internet eth 0 mac is set to 0000.0000.0000.
The logs show:
%LINK-4-NOMAC: A random default MAC address of 0000.0c92.6579 has
been chosen. Ensure that this address is unique, or specify MAC
addresses for commands (such as 'novell routing') that allow the
use of this address as a default.
I don't want to be connecting via ssh to PC before accessing the TS but instead just want to connect to the TS; for the life of me I still can't explain what's going on.
Please help!!!