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7600 memory problem

Level 1
Level 1


I would appreciate any help on this:

I have Cisco 7600 with sup720BXL and 1GB memory.

There are 3 BGP neighbors and from which this router receives full BGP routing table.

I noticed high memory utilization of 90% and can be seen on iutput bellow that BGP router is the process which consumes the most.

router#show process memory sorted holding
Processor Pool Total:  928095920 Used:  873881976 Free:   54213944
          I/O Pool Total:    67108864 Used:    11891792 Free:   55217072

PID TTY  Allocated         Freed         Holding    Getbufs    Retbufs Process
318   0  612810408  3029900112  714978000          0          0        BGP Router     
163   0 3220480824 1855507048    83456064          0          0        IP RIB Update  
   0    0   101461264     14098208   74733904           0          0        *Init*

I filtered all routes except the deafult on one of peers nad reduced number of received prefixes 

from 379466 to 1 but memory consumption didn't changed

router#show process memory sorted holding

Processor Pool Total: 928095920 Used: 869614216 Free: 58481704

I/O Pool T          otal:   67108864  Used:  11891792  Free: 55217072

PID TTY Allocated      Freed        Holding      Getbufs Retbufs Process

318 0    481440160 2905648616  710711464   0          0         BGP Router

163 0  3220185632 1855507048    83456064   0          0         IP RIB Update

  0  0    101461264    14098208     74741784   0          0         *Init*


1) I thought that process "BGP router" would have reduced "holding" number after filtering cca 300.000 receiving prefixes.

Or I I am wrong and generaly process "BGP router" doesn't relate to how many prefixes router receives via BGP?

2) should I maybe reset that BGP session in order to free memory allocation or this could be BUG?

Thanks and regards,


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