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a Q about PBR behavior

Level 6
Level 6

let us say we have vlan 1 which is and we apply under interface vlan 1 a PBR with a route map that have the below access list and routes to a difference ip

deny ip any

permit ip any any

which means any incoming  traffic originating from vlan1 will not be affected by the PBR. But what about the traffic coming from other networks and subnets into interface vlan1? like internet traffic coming back with source public ip? how it isn't affected by the PBR and able to reach users in vlan1




6 Replies 6

PBR check the inbound not outbound traffic. 
this PBR I think is wrong, because the specify the subnet of this VLAN SVI as destination not as source. 

Level 6
Level 6

I think you are correct i corrected it. but also when traffic comes back to vlan1 users it is inbound to vlan1?

review this image 

so outbound traffic means the traffic coming back to answer the inbound traffic?

Yes correct 


ip access-list extended ACL
deny ip any
permit ip any any

Int vlan 1
ip access-group ACL IN/OUT

SVI ACL logic
IN =  traffic originating from withIN the vlan 
OUT = egress traffic towards the vlan, originating OUTside

However if the above ACL is not applied directly under the SVI and is ONLY being called upon within a Policy Base Routing route-map stanza that has a permit stanza then all traffic from subnet will NOT be policy routed (so normal routing) but it should policy route any other traffic (if there is any)

route-map PBR permit 10
match ip address ACL
set ip/interface/default....etc

Int vlan 1
ip policy route-map PBR

So the above logic = ACL deny RM permit = deny task

other logic
ACL permit RM permit = permit task

ACL deny RM deny = deny task

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