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Accessing a remote 2950 switch

Level 1
Level 1

I have a 2950 switch at a remote site. I was given an IP address to access this switch. The IP address is incorrect. What is the best way to get back on this switch. If I have to have someone at the site do it what do they need to do to reset it or access it? Thanks

2 Replies 2

Level 3
Level 3

If you can, access the router attached to the switch and issue a 'show cdp nei det.' This will show you all the directly connected devices so you will need to look for a 2950 in the output. It will also tell you the ip address on the switch management interface vlan. It it returns no ip address, then you have a working switch that is not manageable (telnetable) and will need someone on site to access it and assign a ip address to a vlan.

Yes, and it is by default vlan1. And make sure that the vty password and enable secret password are set.

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