Hello -
Recently upgraded our 3800 series router to a ASR1002. Since then I have had trouble with specific servers unable to connect to the network.
99% of the equipment connected to this new router is trouble free.
We are using IP-routing but for some reason we have a few windows servers that do not like this new router...When I try to ping I get the error "ping transmit failed general failure." This even happens when I ping the IP on the NIC... and windows will report a IP conflit when there is no other device using the IP.
The servers are connected to this interface via a 3com 4210G switch.
interface FastEthernet0/1/0
description Ethernet to Network
ip address X.X.X.X
ip access-group X in
ip access-group X out
no ip unreachables
ip flow ingress
negotiation auto
This is probably a really easy problem and the solution is really simply.
Thanks -