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ASR9010 - BGP connectivity in single RSP Router

Level 1
Level 1


I have a ASR9010 Router with a single RSP (A9K-RSP880-LT-TR). Up to some time ago when this router was connected with only two Upstream providers, everything was OK and when one of providers went down, the traffic smoothly passed to the other one.

Some days ago we added a third Upstream provider for better redundancy and now every time that one of upstream goes down, it takes much time for BGP to start passing traffic to the other providers and this affect our services.

Does this have anything to do with having only one RSP card, or is there any way to make BGP neighbors converge quicker when one of the providers goes down?




4 Replies 4


Hi aridy,

Please attach output of bgp configuration





the ASR 9010 is an ISP level router, so three external BGP neighbors should not be any problem at all.


I agree with the other poster, we need to see the full config of your router, especially how you have set up the failover.

Giuseppe Larosa
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Hello @aridy ,

>> Does this have anything to do with having only one RSP card, or is there any way to make BGP neighbors converge quicker when one of the providers goes down?


No, as already noted by other colleagues the addition of a third upstream ISP is not an issue on this kind of platform.


You should provide your router BGP configuration to see if any of the tools to improve convergence are applied.

it would be of interest to understand if BGP next-hop tracking or Prefix Indipendent Convergence PIC can be enabled in this scenario.

The last one is the most efficient way to deal with this kind of scenario.

It would be also interesting to see the output of

show bgp summary

to see how many prefixes are learned from each neighbor.

a full IPv4 internet table is in the order of 880,000 routes now


The router processor should be able to handle millions of prefixes, however the linecards TCAM need to be checked to see if they have smaller capacity. Being a distributed system also the capabilities of linecards are important.


Hope to help



Hi all,

Thank you for your replies.

I have a standard configuration for BGP, the same way as I have configured my other routers, where I have no issues.


This is the configuration used for all three neighbours:

neighbor X.X.X.X
remote-as 1299
description ** BGP3 **
update-source Bundle-Ether2.2223
address-family ipv4 unicast
use af-group UPSTR
route-policy Telia-IN in
maximum-prefix 900000 95
route-policy Telia-OUT out


Regarding the number of prefixes I receive almost 840000 prefixes from each provider, so i don't think I have any issue there.






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