I am trying to configure BGP based routing between two sites using two ASA 5506Xs. Routing between most of the sites works fine. The one exception is the VPN networks. The subnets are configured using the Client Address Pool setting in the AnyConnect Connection Profile settings.
Traditionally when these sites were connected via VPN Tunneling, including the VPN subnets in the source and target networks for the tunnel was sufficient.
When using BGP routing, this is not sufficient. I have tried sharing the VPN subnets as part of the BGP routing. This enabled only one way traffic: The remote non-VPN networks could route to the VPN subnets, but the VPN subnets could not route to the remote non-VPN. The end result was that users who access the VPN could route to local networks (one's specific to that site/VPN) but not the networks on the other end of the VPN.
I believe part of the problem is that when a VPN connection is made, a /32 route is added to the routing table on the ASA that handles routing for that individual address. But I'm not sure how to resolve this while preserving the otherwise functional VPN config.