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C887 adsl configuration

Level 1
Level 1

Dear every body,

i am a biginner in cisco, i am trying to configure an adsl connection on  a cisco 887,but i stuck

i will appreciate your help

here is the sh run

wampo#sh run           

Building configuration...                        

Current configuration : 3845 bytes                                 


! Last configuration change at 12:27:01 UTC Fri Aug 2 2013                                                         

version 15.2           

no service pad             

service timestamps debug datetime msec                                     

service timestamps log datetime msec                                   

no service password-encryption                             


hostname wampo             






no logging buffered                  

enable secret 5 $1$QyfG$jZ54E5XQIVqGLSRLqiMng.                                             

enable password xxxxxxx                     


no aaa new-model               

memory-size iomem 10                   


crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-180731608                                             

enrollment selfsi               

subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-180731608                                                     

revocation-check none                     

rsakeypair TP-self-signed-180731608                                   



crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-180731608                                                    

certificate self-signed 01                          

  30820229 30820192 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 05050030                                                                        

  30312E30 2C060355 04031325 494F532D 53656C66 2D536967 6E65642D 43657274                                                                        




ip dhcp excluded-address                                              

ip dhcp excluded-address                                                 


ip dhcp pool dhcppool1                     

import all          






ip cef     

no ipv6 cef          



multilink bundle-name authenticated                                  

license udi pid CISCO887VA-SEC-K9 sn FCZ1719C3EQ                                               



username afaye privilege 15 secret 4 SMZzYgSsGZk9/MyjLnM0C0lJGVQpcrrU1zcxGMEqr9U                                                                               






controller VDSL 0                




interface Ethernet0                  

no ip address             


interface ATM0             

no ip address             

no atm ilmi-keepalive                     


interface ATM0.1 point-to-point                              

ip dhcp client client-id Dialer3                                

pvc 0/35        

  pppoe-client dial-pool-number 2                                


interface FastEthernet0                      

no ip address             


interface FastEthernet1                      

no ip address             



interface FastEthernet2                      

no ip address             



interface FastEthernet3                      

no ip address             



interface Vlan1              

ip address                                   

ip nat inside             

ip virtual-reassembly in                        

ip tcp adjust-mss 1412                      


interface Dialer0                

no ip address             



interface Dialer1                

no ip addre          



interface Dialer2                

no ip address             



interface Dialer3                

ip address negotiated                     

ip mtu 1452           

ip nat outside              

ip virtual-reassembly in                        

encapsulation ppp                 

dialer pool 2             

dialer-group 3              

ppp authentication chap callin                              

ppp chap hostname warmer2-adsl                              

ppp chap password 0 wwfwamer                            


ip forward-protocol nd                     

ip http server             

ip http authentication local                           

ip http secure-server                    

ip http timeout-policy idle 600 life 86400 requests 10000                                                        



ip nat inside source list 1 interface Dialer1 overload                                                     

ip route 0.0                  


dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit                               

dialer-list 2 protocol ip permit                               

dialer-list 3 protocol ip permit                               







line con 0         

no modem enable               

line aux 0         

line vty 0 4           

privilege level 15                  

password panda1               

login local

transport input telnet ssh




4 Replies 4

Hello Aliou,

First of all, kindly let me know what exactly is the issue.

We need to understand if the DSL line is failing to train up (Layer 1 i.e Controller is UP or DOWN) or is it the Layer 2 (PPP) that is failing.

However, to start with, I will provide you with the configuration to set-up the PPPOA connection from scratch.

1. Sample configuration to set-up the PPPOA connection,

a.       Configure Ingress (LAN) interface:

Router(config)#interface Gig 0/0 (Any Ethernet/LAN facing port)

Router(config-if)#description internal interface

Router(config-if)#ip address x.x.x.x  x.x.x.x

Router(config-if)#ip nat inside

Router(config-if)#no shut

b.  Configure Egress(WAN) interface:

Router(config)#interface ATM0

Router(config-if)#no ip address

Router(config-if)#no shut

Router(config-if)#no atm ilmi-keepalive

Router(config-if)#dsl operating-mode auto

Router(config)#interface ATM0.1 point-to-point

Router(config-subif)#pvc 0/38

Router(config-if-atm-vc)# encapsulation aal5mux ppp dialer

Router(config-if-atm-vc)# dialer pool-member 1

Router(config-if-atm-vc)# exit

c.  Configure Dialer interface:

Router(Config)#interface dialer1

Router(Config)#ip address negotiated

Router(Config)#ip mtu 1492

Router(Config)#ip nat outside

Router(Config)#encapsulation ppp

Router(Config)#dialer pool 1

Router(Config)#dialer-group 1

Router(Config)#ppp authentication chap pap callin

Router(Config)#ppp chap hostname xxxxx

Router(Config)#ppp chap password xxxxx


Once you configure the above, plug in the DSL line onto the ATM port and wait for 5 minutes to see the DSL train up.

Once the DSL trains up, if everything goes fine, you should be able to see an IP address on the Dialer interface.

Use the command "Show ip int brief" to check whether the Dialer interface has an IP address or not.

In case, if the Dialer interface fails to get an Ip address, we should then start investigating the cause of failure.

Use the below commands and provide me the outputs in case of failure,

1. Show dsl int atm0 (if this does not work use "show controller vdsl 0"

This would tell us whether teh DSL line has trained UP or not. In a working state, you should be able to see "MODEM in SHOWTIME" state.

In case, if the Controller is UP and still the Dialer interface has no IP address (if & only if the you are negotiating an IP address from the ISP),  it means the DSL has trained UP successfully but failed to establish a connection due to a possible failure in Layer 2.

2. To troubleshoot Layer 2, we need to run the following debugs,

Ensure you log the debugging to the buffer,

(config)#no logging console

(Config)#logging buffered debug

(config)#logging buffered 12288

(config)# exit

In privilege mode, enable the debugs.

debug ppp negotiation

debug ppp authentication

debug ppp error

Try the above and let me know the outcome



Hi Mithun

Thanks a lot for your reply

I did not try your solution yet

But  just to precise that i did not use the interface Gig 0/0 , i ve used Vlan1 with ip address , to connect to the pc

For the pvc, it s 0/35

the ppp is alos pppoe insted of pppoa , it s given by ISP

After my 1st config, it did use the dialer3 as dialer interface and atm0.1 as atm interface

I did get a public ip address on dialer3 when i type sh ip int brief command, that mean that dialer3 is getting ip addres from isp

i can ping from console  this public address too, and the vlan1 address also

but if i ping another public ip, like or; it fails

I will try your commands, and let your know

Hello Aliou,

Like you've mentioned, getting an IP address on the Dialer interface simply means that the DSL has trained UP and connection has been successfully established.

Now, in order to reach out to any IP address on the internet, make sure you have the below configurations on the device,

1. (config)# ip route Dialer 3 (Default route)

With this, you should be able to reach other public IP addresses.

2. in order to be able to ping a website  like "", your router should be able to resolve this to an IP address, for which we need to configure a DNS server and in the config below, i'm using the public DNS

(config)# ip domain-lookup

    (config)# ip name-server

With these commands in place, you should be able to ping any Public address or any domain.



Hi Mithun,

i do try but i still  can't any public ip  address

here s the outcome of the : i ve used the "!!" to comment my understanding!!

show controller vdsl 0

wampo#sh controller vsdl 0

Controller VDSL 0 is UP

Daemon Status:           Up

                        XTU-R (DS)              XTU-C (US)

Chip Vendor ID:         'BDCM'                   'BDCM'

Chip Vendor Specific:   0x0000                   0xA341

Chip Vendor Country:    0xB500                   0xB500

Modem Vendor ID:        'CSCO'                   '    '

Modem Vendor Specific:  0x4602                   0x0000

Modem Vendor Country:   0xB500                   0x0000

Serial Number Near:    FCZ1719C3EQ 887VA-S 15.2(4)M

Serial Number Far:

Modem Version Near:    15.2(4)M

Modem Version Far:     0xa341

Modem Status:            TC Sync (Showtime!)

DSL Config Mode:         AUTO

Trained Mode:            G.992.1 (ADSL) Annex A

TC Mode:                 ATM

Selftest Result:         0x00

DELT configuration:      disabled

DELT state:              not running

Trellis:                 ON                       ON

SRA:                     disabled                        disabled

SRA count:              1                       0

Bit swap:                enabled                         enabled

Bit swap count:         0                       1

Line Attenuation:        47.5 dB                 31.5 dB

Signal Attenuation:      47.5 dB                  0.0 dB

Noise Margin:            21.3 dB                 30.0 dB

Attainable Rate:        3708 kbits/s             1204 kbits/s

Actual Power:            16.5 dBm                11.9 dBm

Total FECC:             1144                     0

Total ES:               39                       0

Total SES:              35                       0

Total LOSS:             5                        0

Total UAS:              89                       89

Total LPRS:             0                        0

Total LOFS:             27                       0

Total LOLS:             0                        0

Full inits:             4

Failed full inits:      0

Short inits:            0

Failed short inits:     0

odem PHY Version:      A2pv6C035j.d23j

Vendor Version:         Ap6v35j.23j 68

                  DS Channel1     DS Channel0   US Channel1       US Channel0

Speed (kbps):             0             1024             0               256

SRA Previous Speed:       0             1024             0                 0

Previous Speed:           0             1024             0               256

Total Cells:              0          7626695             0                 0

User Cells:               0              932             0                 0

Reed-Solomon EC:          0                0             0                 0

CRC Errors:               0             1485             0                 0

Header Errors:            0                0             0                 0

Interleave (ms):       0.00            16.00          0.00             16.00

Actual INP:            0.00             4.21          0.00              5.81

Training Log :  Stopped

Training Log Filename : flash:vdsllog.bin

wampo# sh ip int brief


ATM0                       unassigned      YES NVRAM  up                    up

ATM0.1                     unassigned      YES unset  up                    up

Dialer0                    unassigned      YES TFTP   administratively down down

Dialer1                    unassigned      YES TFTP   administratively down down

Dialer2                    unassigned      YES TFTP   administratively down down

Dialer3             YES IPCP   up                    up

Ethernet0                  unassigned      YES NVRAM  down                  down

FastEthernet0              unassigned      YES unset  up                    up

FastEthernet1              unassigned      YES unset  administratively down down

FastEthernet2              unassigned      YES unset  administratively down down

FastEthernet3              unassigned      YES unset  administratively down dow

NVI0                       unassigned      YES unset  administratively down down

Virtual-Access1            unassigned      YES unset  up                    up

Virtual-Access2            unassigned      YES unset  up                    up

Vlan1                  YES manual up                    up


wampo#sh ip route

Codes: L - local, C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP

       D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area

       N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2

       E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2

       i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2

       ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route

       o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route, H - NHRP, l - LISP

       + - replicated route, % - next hop override

Gateway of last resort is to network

S* is directly connected, Dialer3 is variably subnetted, 2 subnets, 2 masks

C is directly connected, Vlan1

L is directly connected, Vlan1 is subnetted, 2 subnets

C is directly connected, Dialer3

C is directly connected, Dialer3

!! i think the 2nd line( is variably subnetted, 2 subnets, 2 masks)

!!must be delete, but i don't know how,can you give the command

!! i don't understand also the 4th line(L is directly connected, Vlan1) is it necessary to have it

!! is the gateway correct !!


wampo#sh ip access-list

Extended IP access list 101

    10 permit ip any (6001 matches)

!! we use in the LAN this ip address!! check if this access-list is corect!!


wampo#sh ip name-server

!!this the dns we use from isp on other routers to connect to the internet!!


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