I'm trying to use EPC on ASR1001 running IOS-XE 3.4, and it won't work.
Configuration commands are accepted by the router, but there are no packets in the capture buffer.
ip access-list extended icmpdump
permit icmp any any
monitor capture buffer buf1
monitor capture buffer buf1 max-size 1508
monitor capture buffer buf1 filter access-list icmpdump
monitor capture point ip cef cap1 all both
monitor capture point associate cap1 buf1
monitor capture point start cap1
after some time, and some icmp passed through the router:
asr1k#show monitor capture buffer all parameters
Capture buffer cap1 (circular buffer)
Buffer Size : 1048576 bytes, Max Element Size : 1508 bytes, Packets : 0
Allow-nth-pak : 0, Duration : 0 (seconds), Max packets : 0, pps : 0
Associated Capture Points:
Name : cap1, Status : Active
monitor capture buffer cap1 size 1024 max-size 1508 circular
monitor capture point associate cap1 buf1
monitor capture buffer cap1 filter access-list icmpdump
In release notes for IOS-XE, in the 2.5 section, there is a statement that EPC is not supported on ASR1k. Is it true also for newer versions of IOS-XR?
Thanks and regards,