I have a new Cisco 2911 router that I need to install and configure a vwic3 card in. I'm not so concerned about running voice. I will be replacing an existing router into a circuit that will be running a bonded T1. I discovered the link below and have some questions.
3. The card is installed in the first available slot, which happens to be 0. So I entered: card type t1 0. Would that be correct?
4. The next step is voice-card slot. I'm assuming that I'd configure the same.. voice-cad 0.
5. Next, codec complexity { flex [ reservation-fixed { high | medium }] | high |medium }. I'm not familiar with this statement. Essentially, we use CoS to 'filter' or manage our traffic. Recommendations?
6. Next, controller {e1 | t1} slot / port - I would assume as above 0/0
7. framing {sf | esf} or {crc4 | no-crc4}
8. linecode {ami | b8zs} or {ami | hdb3}
9. clock source (?)
10. (??)
11.voice-port (?)
12. Exit
Pretty lost with some of this stuff....I'm researching this some more, but if anyone can clear up my confusion, I'd appreciate it.
Configuring Voice and Data on 1-Port and 2-Port T1/E1 VWIC3 - Cisco
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. card type {e1 | t1} slot subslot
4. voice-card slot
5. codec complexity { flex [ reservation-fixed { high | medium }] | high | medium }
6. controller {e1 | t1} slot / port
7. framing {sf | esf}
framing {crc4 | no-crc4}
8. linecode {ami | b8zs}
linecode { ami | hdb3 }
9. clock source {line [primary | bits | independent] | internal [independent] | free-running }
10. ds0-group ds0-group-number timeslots timeslot-list type { e&m-delay-dial | e&m-fgd | e&m-immediate-start | e&m-wink-start | ext-sig | fgd-eana | fxo-ground-start | fxo-loop-start | fxs-ground-start | fxs-loop-start }
pri-group [ timeslots range ]
11. voice-port { slot-number / subunit-number / port | slot / port : ds0-group-number }
12. exit