I am trying to deploy our VPN configuration via REST API on ASR1001X, but I am currently testing it on CSR1000V in my lab. However, I am stuck with the problem that our VPN configuration is VRF-aware - meaning we do have transport VRF (FVRF) and inside vrf (IVRF) deployed. Just to imagine the tunnel configuration:
interface Tunnel1
ip vrf forwarding ivrf_cust
ip address <tunnel_subnet_local_ip> <subnet_mask>
ip tcp adjust-mss 1350
tunnel source <local_ipsec_peer_ip>
tunnel mode ipsec ipv4
tunnel destination <remote_ipsec_peer_ip>
tunnel vrf fvrf_ext
tunnel protection ipsec profile <proj-ipsecv1-prof1>
It seems that everything is configurable with REST-API but the "tunnel vrf" part of configuration is not- which is essential to deploy vrf-aware s2s vpn. I found that you can put VPN in VRF (ivrf config), but did not found how to associate FVRF with it:
Can you please let me know if such a configuration is supported in some version of IOS-XE or REST-API?
Thank you very much for any advice.
Best regards,