I have Cisco 2801 router where i m using my ISP connection through Ethernet Connection coz it is a Wireless. My ISP has given me two Subnets each delivering 512kbps each but i m unable to find out that each subnet is binded to 512k.
They have given there one IP on F0/1 which is directly connected to wireless Station and other to F0/0 as secondary IP which will serve as my Gateway for other subnet.
Earlier i was using the single subnet with 512k and now in the above scenerio i have two subnets each of 512k.
I have connected a Linksys Broadband Router which is having gateway of another subnet (assigned as secondary on F0/0).
Another we are using for Voice and we are having delays and jitters in that from the time another subnet came into effect.
Please help to rectify this.