I'm testing a scenario with LISP in GNS3 in which 2 LISP-enabled sites are communicating over an IPv4 "Internet" network (consisting on 2 non-LISP routers). On the left side I have 2 routers acting as xTR's and on the right side, one router acting as xTR and MS/MR. LISP is working fine, even load balancing the connections.
Now I'm changing the scenario to run NAT on the non-LISP routers. The target is to accomplish communication over NAT between the 2 LISP sites. I'm using "ip lisp source-locator Loopback..." on the "Internet"-facing interfaces on the left-side. The Lookpback interfaces have the global NAT IP address as seen by the right-side LISP side. Also, the database-mapping is using these addresses instead of the IP's of the router's interfaces.
It's not working. I don't know if this is the correct solution to run LISP over NAT.
What do you think?
Note: I'm using 7200 IOS routers with 15.2(4).