03-14-2018 07:15 AM - edited 03-05-2019 10:06 AM
Hi. We need to configure 6 devices in a network /28 to see each other in ISIS.
4 of them have IOS and 2 of them have IOS XR. The interfaces are subinterfaces of a bundle.
And there is a restriction from the Vendor giving us Layer 2 connectivity that MTU size must be 9000, no higher.
However in the Bundle interface of all the 6 devices we have the MTU set to 9216.
There are other subintefaces not in ISIS on that Interface, that are configured to form BGP peering to get GRE tunnels formed above them.
At this moment this is what we have configured:
interface Bundle-Ether10
bfd address-family ipv4 fast-detect
mtu 9216
interface Bundle-Ether10.2085
ipv4 address
encapsulation dot1q 2085
router isis CGs
is-type level-2-only
net 49.0001.2170.1001.6020.00
nsf cisco
log adjacency changes
address-family ipv4 unicast
metric-style wide
redistribute connected route-policy CONN2ISIS
interface Bundle-Ether10.2085
circuit-type level-2-only
address-family ipv4 unicast
metric 10000000
interface Port-channel10
mtu 9216
no ip address
load-interval 30
interface Port-channel10.2085
encapsulation dot1Q 2085
ip address
no ip redirects
no ip proxy-arp
ip flow ingress
ip router isis
isis metric 10000000
router isis
net 49.0001.2170.1001.6031.00
is-type level-2-only
area-password NT$ucks
metric-style wide
no hello padding
redistribute connected
redistribute static ip
passive-interface Loopback0
With that configuration the neighbors are stuck in INIT. And we saw that they are sending larger packets (9213) from one end that are not received from the other.
CET: ISIS-Adj: Sending L2 LAN IIH on Port-channel10.2085, length 9213
If we added the command "clns mtu 9000" in the IOS subinterface in two IOS ends, the ISIS neighbor came up.
interface Port-channel10.2085
clns mtu 9000
But this command is not available in IOS XR. There is a command "lsp-mtu" at router ISIS level
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:cg1.prv2(config-isis)#lsp-mtu ?
<128-4352> Max LSP size in bytes
At the time of testing the IOS XR interface was down, so we are not sure if the neighboring would have came up with IOS interface with clns mtu set. Do you know if it should work?
1) Can you help us to determine if these "clns mtu" in the IOS subinterfaces would make the ISIS neigh come up in the other IOS neigh as well as in XR neigh and that won´t affect any other ISIS neigh on other networks or configurations of other subinterfaces?
2) Also, we think that a proper fix would be to change the Interface MTU to 9000 but that will affect the BGP sessions for the GRE tunnels.
Do you know if changing the MTU only on our side (we don´t have managment of the other end of those tunnels) can make the tunnels go down and never come up?
BTW ip tcp path-mtu-discovery is enabled.
interface Port-channel10
mtu 9216
no ip address
load-interval 30
interface Port-channel10.2500
encapsulation dot1Q 2500
ip vrf forwarding VRF10155
ip address
no ip redirects
no ip proxy-arp
ip flow ingress
interface Tunnel2500
ip vrf forwarding VRF10155
ip address
ip mtu 1450
ip tcp adjust-mss 1300
ip policy route-map zscaler-tunnels
load-interval 30
keepalive 10 3
tunnel source
tunnel destination
tunnel vrf VRF10155
SH ip bgp vpnv4 vrf VRF10155 neigh | b Datagrams
Datagrams (max data segment is 9130 bytes):
Rcvd: 5780031 (out of order: 0), with data: 3078735, total data bytes: 58497713
Sent: 5722167 (retransmit: 17), with data: 2761066, total data bytes: 52460280
(c1r1.kis1.se) sescqrt01nt01fm#
(c1r1.kis1.se) sescqrt01nt01fm#ping vrf VRF10155 size 9000
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 9000-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 24/24/24 ms
(c1r1.kis1.se) sescqrt01nt01fm#ping vrf VRF10155 size 9130
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 9130-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 0 percent (0/5)
(c1r1.kis1.se) sescqrt01nt01fm#
Thanks in advance for your help!
04-10-2018 07:07 AM
We have changed the MTU size of the Portchannel interfaces in all 6 devices, but ISIS neighbours only came up between IOS neigh and between IOS XR neighbors, but not IOS and IOS XR.
Do you have any suggestion on what to test? What might be wrong or missing either in IOS or XR?
Please find the devices output.
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:cg1.prv2#sh run int BE10.2085
Tue Apr 10 14:56:11.888 CEST
interface Bundle-Ether10.2085
description One in DK
mtu 9000
ipv4 address 85.x.x.x
encapsulation dot1q 2085
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:cg1.prv2#sh run int Bundle-Ether10
Tue Apr 10 14:56:21.076 CEST
interface Bundle-Ether10
bfd address-family ipv4 fast-detect
mtu 9000
load-interval 30
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:cg1.prv2#sh isis neigh
Tue Apr 10 14:56:03.800 CEST
IS-IS CGs neighbors:
System Id Interface SNPA State Holdtime Type IETF-NSF
dkccqrt09nt00fm Te0/2/1/3 001b.0def.9380 Up 21 L2 Capable
cg2.bal6 BE10.2085 70e4.224d.0b93 Up 22 L2 Capable
Total neighbor count: 2
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:cg1.prv2#sh isis int Bundle-Ether10.2085
Tue Apr 10 14:56:42.227 CEST
Bundle-Ether10.2085 Enabled
Adjacency Formation: Enabled
Prefix Advertisement: Enabled
IPv4 BFD: Disabled
IPv6 BFD: Disabled
BFD Min Interval: 150
BFD Multiplier: 3
Circuit Type: level-2-only
Media Type: LAN
Circuit Number: 5
Adjacency Count: 1
LAN ID: cg1.prv2.05
Priority (Local/DIS): 64/64
Next LAN IIH in: 2 s
LSP Pacing Interval: 33 ms
PSNP Entry Queue Size: 0
Protocol State: Up
MTU: 8979
SNPA: 78ba.f92d.11bb
Layer-2 MCast Groups Membership:
All Level-2 ISs: Yes
IPv4 Unicast Topology: Enabled
Adjacency Formation: Running
Prefix Advertisement: Running
Metric (L1/L2): 0/10000000
Weight (L1/L2): 0/0
MPLS Max Label Stack: 3
MPLS LDP Sync (L1/L2): Disabled/Disabled
IPv4 Address Family: Enabled
Protocol State: Up
Forwarding Address(es):
Global Prefix(es):
LSP transmit timer expires in 0 ms
LSP transmission is idle
Can send up to 9 back-to-back LSPs in the next 0 ms
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:cg1.prv2#SH IM DAtabase int Bundle-Ether10.2085
Tue Apr 10 15:20:17.235 CEST
View: OWN - Owner, L3P - Local 3rd Party, G3P - Global 3rd Party, LDP - Local Data Plane
GDP - Global Data Plane, RED - Redundancy, UL - UL
Node 0/RSP0/CPU0 (0x41)
Interface Bundle-Ether10.2085, ifh 0x08000160 (up, 9000)
Interface flags: 0x00000000000205d7 (REPLICATED|IFINDEX
Encapsulation: dot1q
Interface type: IFT_VLAN_SUBIF
Control parent: Bundle-Ether10
Data parent: Bundle-Ether10
Protocol Caps (state, mtu)
-------- -----------------
None vlan_jump (up, 9000)
None dot1q (up, 9000)
arp arp (up, 8982)
clns clns (up, 8982)
ipv4 ipv4 (up, 8982)
(c1r1.kis1.se) sescqrt01nt01fm#sh run int Port-channel10
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 119 bytes
interface Port-channel10
description In SE
mtu 9000
no ip address
load-interval 30
(c1r1.kis1.se) sescqrt01nt01fm#sh run int Po10.2085
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 252 bytes
interface Port-channel10.2085
description SE
encapsulation dot1Q 2085
ip address 85.x.x.x
no ip redirects
no ip proxy-arp
ip flow ingress
ip router isis
isis metric 10000000
(c1r1.kis1.se) sescqrt01nt01fm#sh isis neig
System Id Type Interface IP Address State Holdtime Circuit Id
cg1.prv2 L2 Po10.2085 INIT 9 cg1.prv2.05
cg2.bal6 L2 Po10.2085 INIT 20 cg2.bal6.05
cp5.kis1 L2 Gi6/1 UP 29 sescqrt01nt01f.01
cp6.sol1 L2 Gi6/2 UP 28 sescqrt01nt01f.02
fiheqrt01nt00fmL2 Po10.2085 UP 23 fiheqrt02nt00f.04
fiheqrt02nt00fmL2 Po10.2085 UP 7 fiheqrt02nt00f.04
sescqrt02nt01fmL2 Po10.2085 UP 29 fiheqrt02nt00f.04
(c1r1.kis1.se) sescqrt01nt01fm#sh clns int Port-channel10.2085
Port-channel10.2085 is up, line protocol is up
Checksums enabled, MTU 8997, Encapsulation SAP
ERPDUs enabled, min. interval 10 msec.
CLNS fast switching enabled
CLNS SSE switching disabled
DEC compatibility mode OFF for this interface
Next ESH/ISH in 9 seconds
Routing Protocol: IS-IS
Circuit Type: level-1-2
Interface number 0x2, local circuit ID 0x3
Level-2 Metric: 10000000, Priority: 64, Circuit ID: fiheqrt02nt00f.04
DR ID: fiheqrt02nt00f.04
Level-2 IPv6 Metric: 10
Number of active level-2 adjacencies: 3
Next IS-IS LAN Level-2 Hello in 2 seconds
No hello padding
04-10-2018 11:59 AM
It looks like you still have a MTU mismatch.
Could you please collect show ipv4 int from the XR, and a show ip int on the IOS device?
The MTU values should match, but the XR takes into account the 14 bytes IOS won't consider. So, if you have a MTU of 1500 in the IOS box, you should have 1514 in the XR, for example.
04-11-2018 04:57 AM
04-11-2018 06:01 AM
Hi Maria,
Now we can clearly see the MTU setting differs:
MTU is 9000 (8982 is available to IP)
clns clns (up, 8982) <<
sescqrt01nt01fm#sh clns int Port-channel10.2085
Port-channel10.2085 is up, line protocol is up
Checksums enabled, MTU 8997 <<
How is the actual MTU configured in the IOS device? check it with a show ip int Port-channel10.2085, then tune it up until you see the same value on both ends.
Regarding this message, i have only seen those in loop scenarios (where a multicast sent by a router would come back in a different interface), but this is not related to adj establishment.
This message says that a system id of 2170.1001.6020 (which is our local ID) was seen in the hello packets, coming from the node with SNPA (typically the mac-address) of 78ba.f92d.11bb
Check the neighbor's SNPA with the command show clns neighbor.
04-11-2018 06:50 AM
04-11-2018 07:07 AM
Okay, so stepping back a little, you said that you need to have at most 9000 MTU in this L2, right?
Being so, you can go with the following:
MTU 9014 - this would give us 9000 for both CLNS and IPv4
MTU 9003 - This, by default, would give an IP mtu of 9003 and 9000 for CLNS. You can also set IP mtu for 9000 and manually set the clns MTU if you want.
To understand better the log messages, a debug or packet capture would be the best way to move on.
04-11-2018 01:39 PM
Ok, I will need a window to do the tests and debugs. There is another link with issues which is also running ISIS so it might be disturbing the troubleshooting. I will post the results when I can do the tests.
Thank you very much for your help and time!
04-17-2018 06:31 AM
Hello Maria,
You are very welcome. Please let me know the results.
05-07-2018 05:34 AM
Hello Maria, how are you doing?
Do you can do this test? Because I'm with the same problem here....
05-07-2018 09:48 AM
Hi there,
just today I was able to do the tests. The Duplicated ID message disappeared as soon the provider shut down one of the interfaces going to their devices which was part of our bundle. We have two interfaces in a bundle in the same devices (XR) going to two different Juniper devices at the providers end. So, this mean there was a loop at the provider ends.
And today, (with that link down still), I added "clns mtu 8982" to the subinterface po10.2085 in the IOS devices and the ISIS neighbors came up. So, we have "mtu 9000" in XR Bundle interface and "clsn mtu 8982" in the IOS subinterface. And ISIS is up!!
Hope this works for you as well!
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