Paste these commands directly to your router after being in the global configuration mode (you call it up using the configure terminal command):
ip routing
ip cef
interface FastEthernet0/0
ip route-cache
ip route-cache cef
duplex auto
I also have a question: Your ADSL PPP configuration is currently performed in the PPPoA style. There is also a more common approach used, the PPPoE. You have to verify with your ISP what kind of PPP is used, as these two encapsulations are not compatible nor interchangeable. Also, is the PVC 0/35 correct? Again, this must be verified against your ISP as there is no default setting.
After these changes, you should at least be able to receive an IP address automatically on your PC if connected to the Fa0/0 interface, and be able to ping the If not, there are probably some physical problems with the connection - in that case, try using the show ip interface brief command and check whether the FastEthernet0/0 interface is reported as up/up. If not, there is a cabling problem.
Best regards,