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permit specify community to prefix list

Hi Dears

I have Prefix list filter for uplink 1 and uplink 2

Filter out by prefix-list

No my qustion id How used community string in prefix list according the picture if customer

annouce prefix by community 100:1 announce on uplink 1

if announce by comminuty 100:2 announce to uplink 2

Pleas help me ?


1 Accepted Solution

Accepted Solutions

Hi ,

Both route-maps have a match for prefix-list and community-list. The action is permit or deny. You can add set statement if you want to.


View solution in original post

6 Replies 6

Harold Ritter

Hi ,

You can do that using a route-map. You will need to replace the current prefix-list filters with a route-map, as follow:

router bgp 100

neighbor <uplink1 address> route-map uplink1 out

neighbor <uplink2 address> route-map uplink2 out


route-map uplink1 permit 10
match ip address prefix-list <prefix-list name you currently use>
match community 1
route-map uplink1 deny 20
match ip address prefix-list <prefix-list name you currently use>
match community 2
route-map uplink1 permit 30
match ip address prefix-list <prefix-list name you currently use>


route-map uplink2 permit 10
match ip address prefix-list <prefix-list name you currently use>
match community 2
route-map uplink2 deny 20
match ip address prefix-list <prefix-list name you currently use>
match community 1
route-map uplink2 permit 30
match ip address prefix-list <prefix-list name you currently use>


ip community-list 1 permit 100:1
ip community-list 2 permit 100:2

If the prefix match both the prefix-list and community 100:1, it will be sent only to uplink1

If the prefix match both the prefix-list and community 100:2, it will be sent only to uplink2

If the prefix only match the prefix-list, it will be sent to both uplink1 and uplink2.


Also he need 

1- ip bgp new format <- global mode

2- neighbor x.x.x.x send-community both <- under bgp of neighbor inject community 



Hi @MHM Cisco World ,

> 1- ip bgp new format <- global mode

The configuration I recommended will work without this command. I agree though that it makes it easier to read the community value (100:1 instead of 6553601).

> 2- neighbor x.x.x.x send-community both <- under bgp of neighbor inject community 

Obviously, this technique will not work if the customer doesn't send the required communities.


Send commumity define of left side IBGP neighbors

Only on route-map match ip prefix-list and match community

no action define ????

Hi ,

Both route-maps have a match for prefix-list and community-list. The action is permit or deny. You can add set statement if you want to.


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