03-24-2017 02:58 PM - edited 03-05-2019 08:14 AM
We currently have 2 routers with links to 2 different providers
1 link is MPLS using BGP........with EIGRP being our internal protocol (provider #1)
2nd link is a point to point to our data center. (provider #2)
We are adding a 3rd link for VOICE...this will be from provider #1..also using BGP also using their same AS
This 3rd link will be going on router #2
Once our peer relationship was up....router number 2's routing table preferred the New BGP route (AD 20)
Before we brought this up traffic was to be going over the point to point link for default routes and traffic to the data center.
My question is
How do I prevent these routes from being placed in the routing table over this new BGP link....which we don't want for now.
Neither internal or default routes
I tried using prefix list...and route maps...but that didnt seem to do the trick with the following configs
router bgp 65011
bgp log-neighbor-changes
neighbor remote-as 3568
address-family ipv4
neighbor activate
neighbor route-map BGP-DENYIN in
neighbor prefix-list DENY-DEFAULTROUTES in
route-map BGP-DENYIN deny 10
match ip address prefix-list INTERNAL-Net
ip prefix-list INTERNAL-Net seq 5 permit le 32
ip prefix-list DENY-DEFAULTROUTES seq 5 deny
Solved! Go to Solution.
03-27-2017 03:09 PM
Try to use route-maps instead distribute-lists, it is more flexible to apply features like communities, attributes, etc, to another specific subnets, for example:
ip prefix-list TRAFFIC-INBOUND seq 5 permit x.x.x.x/x
route-map TRAFFIC-IN permit 5
match ip address prefix-list TRAFFIC-INBOUND
<There is an implicit deny if you dont configure othe route-map sequence>
address-family ipv4
neighbor activate
neighbor route-map TRAFFIC-IN in
clear ip bgp * soft.
03-24-2017 03:10 PM
Please correct me if Im understanding wrong, the 2 and 3rd link are connected to Router #2, are you passing the same prefixes through this both links?
Eigpr AD is 90
eBGP AD is 20
It will prefer 20 so you could modify the AD in BGP for external routes to be higher than 90, example:
router bgp 100
bgp log-neighbor-changes
distance bgp 91 200 200
03-27-2017 06:46 AM
Hi Julio
Router 2..link 2..Is our point to point...and was considered our primary link
to the data center
Router 1 link 1 is our MPLS and was the link for other sites
Our core switch at the remote site is still using router 1 link 1 MPLS to other sites
However in the event of failure....router 2 link 2 would be the back up
However when I enable bgp....
router 2 instead of going to router 1 link 1 now has BGP learned routes...
Although everything is ok now...in the event of router 1 failure
my concern is router 2 will be using its BGP learned routes instead of the p to p routes
sh ip route
Before enable bgp
[170/1080320] via, 2d16h, GigabitEthernet0/0/1
After BGP
B [91/0] via, 00:00:15
I have also tried this command with no luck
distance bgp 91 200 200
03-27-2017 07:00 AM
Firstly the EIGRP route is external EIGRP with an AD of 170 so you would need to increase BGP's AD to be higher than that.
Secondly, when you tried to filter the routes as per your original post what happened ie. did the default and more specific get into the routing table or not because you should be able to filter those routes if you want.
03-27-2017 03:01 PM
Hello John,
I changed the configuration to
distance bgp 171 200 200
and that seemed to do the trick.
Although the routes were in my bgp topology table...they weren't in my routing table
as far as filtering
I tried a prefix list filtering only the route i wanted...implicit deny at the end
ip prefix-list deny-route seq 10 permit le 32
address-family ipv4
neighbor activate
neighbor prefix-list deny-route in
After this I only saw the network....which is what I wanted.
However, when I tried to use to distribute list with a route-map trying a deny first..than later a permit..
all routes were allowed and we were back at square one
address-family ipv4
neighbor activate
neighbor distribute-list BGP-Suppress in
route-map BGP-Suppress deny 10 (I also changed this to a permit)
match ip address prefix-list deny-route
ip prefix-list deny-route seq 10 permit le 32
Why would a prefix-list statement work..filtering all but 1 network/route
in my routing table
but not the distribute list?
03-27-2017 03:09 PM
Try to use route-maps instead distribute-lists, it is more flexible to apply features like communities, attributes, etc, to another specific subnets, for example:
ip prefix-list TRAFFIC-INBOUND seq 5 permit x.x.x.x/x
route-map TRAFFIC-IN permit 5
match ip address prefix-list TRAFFIC-INBOUND
<There is an implicit deny if you dont configure othe route-map sequence>
address-family ipv4
neighbor activate
neighbor route-map TRAFFIC-IN in
clear ip bgp * soft.
03-28-2017 10:55 AM
Thanks Julio
Your solution worked too.
I believe my mistake was using a distribute-list and associating a prefix-list or route map with it directly with it...instead of using an ACL
once I configured and a distribute-list pointing to an ACL...routes were filtered as I expected.
I believe distribute list followed by a route map statement only works in eigrp
however distribute list will only work with and ACL in BGP
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