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RPS 2300 doesn't backup CS2921

Level 1
Level 1


I have below configuration in the RPS 2300

Router1#sho env rps
 RPS Name: RPS 2300
  State: Active
  PID: PWR-RPS2300
  Serial#: FDO2107PG07
  Fan: Good
  Temperature: Green
  RPS Power Supply A: Present
    PID             : C3K-PWR-1150WAC
    Serial#         : DTN2050D0BY
    System Power    : Good
    PoE Power       : Good
    Watts           : 300/850 (System/PoE)
  RPS Power Supply B: Present
    PID             : C3K-PWR-1150WAC
    Serial#         : DTN2050D0C0
    System Power    : Good
    PoE Power       : Good
    Watts           : 300/850 (System/PoE)

 DCOut  State   Connected  Priority  BackingUp  WillBackup  PortName
 -----  ------- ---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ----------------
     1  Active  Yes               1  No         Yes         Router1
     2  Active  Yes               1  No         Yes         <>
     3  Active  No                1  No         Yes         <>
     4  Active  No                1  No         Yes         <>
     5  Active  No                1  No         Yes         <>
     6  Active  Yes               1  No         Yes         Router2

But when I disconnect the power supply of Router1 I have below output in the RPS, so it seems Router2 won't be backup.

DCOut  State   Connected  Priority  BackingUp  WillBackup  PortName

-----  ------- ---------  --------  ---------  ----------  ----------------

     1        Active     Yes                1               Yes        Yes                 pdxb1760

     2        Active      No                1               No         No                 <>

     3        Active     No                 1               No         No                 <>

     4        Active     No                  1               No         No                <>

     5        Active     No                  1               No        No                 <>

     6        Active    Yes                  1               No        No             pdxb1769

Aside, I have in both routers the error log %ENVMON-1-RPS_WARNING:

Router1#sho log |  i RPS
*Apr  9 05:56:43.975: %ENVMON-1-RPS_WARNING: : RPS is not available for backup.
*Apr  9 06:07:33.459: %ENVMON-1-RPS_WARNING: : RPS is not available for backup.
*Apr  9 06:07:40.499: %ENVMON-1-RPS_WARNING: : RPS is not available for backup.

Router2#sho log | i RPS
Apr  9 05:33:59: %ENVMON-1-RPS_WARNING: : RPS is not available for backup.
Apr  9 05:43:49: %ENVMON-1-RPS_WARNING: : RPS is not available for backup.

Am I missing something in the configuration?, can somebody advise what can be the problem, please?

Thanks in advance!


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