I'm trying to do the simplest output traffic shaping possible on some bundle-ethernet sub-interfaces using pieces of config like below:
interface Bundle-Ether1.111
description Customer
service-policy output Customer_out
ipv4 address X.Y.Z.T
encapsulation dot1q 111
policy-map Customer_out
class class-default
shape average 10 mbps
First of all, is this a valid config for limiting that sub-interface's output traffic to 10Mbps? Actually to 20Mbps for perfectly balanced traffic, since that bundle is configured over two physical interfaces... "show policy-map interface bundle-ether 1.111" shows increasing "Taildropped(packets/bytes)" from time to time, but I'm asking this because I only seem to find hierarchical policy-map examples in the documentation.
And second question (possibly related to the first one): are the "show interfaces" and SNMP counters for the sub-interface taken before the service-policy is applied? Just after configuring this the customer happened to take a pretty big flood - those taildropped counters increased like crazy, but "show interfaces bundle-ether1.111" and the Cacti graph for the sub-interface still showed Gbps of output traffic...
Thank you.