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Spanning Tree

Level 1
Level 1

Hello ,


I have on my switch some interconnection (L2 link point to point) with access port to different provider to receive some multicast all these ports are in vl 200 that is designed for multicast streams.

I have a problem because the last L2 link active on my access port in the same vlan 200  is up at physical level but i cannot ping anything from other side, 

I saw that the port is Broken in the spanning tree:


Eth1/45 Desg BKN*4 128.45 P2p *TYPE_Inc


and if i put the command "no spanning-tree vl 200"  I'm able to the ping all host in other side.

Exist another way to fix this issue without disable the spinning tree for this vlan?


Thanks in advance

1 Accepted Solution

Accepted Solutions

Hello Georg,


i asked the the other side togive me the info about the STP that they configured and if it is on

I will update you 


Thanks a lot 

View solution in original post

10 Replies 10



try and configure the VLAN with the highest possible priority:


spanning-tree vlan 200 priority X (where X is the highest possible value that you can configure)

Hello Georg,


thanks for your replay, i added the commend from conf t spanning-tree vlan 200 priority 61440 but nothing, i have shutted down the port and put gain on



sh spanning-tree vl 200


Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp
Root ID Priority 32898
Address 0014.6abf.6780
Cost 8
Port 47 (Ethernet1/47)
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec

Bridge ID Priority 61640 (priority 61440 sys-id-ext 200)
Address c08c.6097.fcc1
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec

Interface Role Sts Cost Prio.Nbr Type
---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------------
Eth1/2 Desg FWD 2 128.2 P2p
Eth1/4 Desg FWD 4 128.4 P2p
Eth1/6 Desg FWD 4 128.6 P2p
Eth1/45 Desg BKN*4 128.45 P2p *TYPE_Inc
Eth1/47 Root FWD 4 128.47 P2p
Eth1/48 Desg FWD 4 128.48 P2p



something in your spanning tree is misconfigured. Can you post the config of the switch ?

Hello Georg,


Here below the config of my Nexus


vlan 1
vlan 10
name ISP1
vlan 50
name DMZ1
vlan 90
name mgmt
vlan 130
name Link2
vlan 200
name Multicast
vlan 310
name Link3
vrf context management
no system urpf disable
no port-channel load-balance resilient
hardware profile portmode 64x10G


interface Vlan1

interface Vlan90
no shutdown
ip address

interface Vlan200
no shutdown
ip address

interface Ethernet1/1
description ****Temporary connected to ISP1*****
switchport access vlan 10

interface Ethernet1/2
description ***router ***
switchport mode trunk

interface Ethernet1/3
switchport access vlan 50
speed 1000

interface Ethernet1/4
switchport access vlan 200
speed 1000

interface Ethernet1/5
switchport access vlan 50
speed 1000

interface Ethernet1/6
switchport access vlan 200
speed 1000

interface Ethernet1/7
switchport access vlan 50
speed 1000

interface Ethernet1/8
switchport access vlan 200
speed 1000

interface Ethernet1/9
switchport access vlan 50
speed 1000

interface Ethernet1/10
switchport access vlan 200
speed 1000

interface Ethernet1/11
switchport access vlan 50
speed 1000

interface Ethernet1/12

interface Ethernet1/13

interface Ethernet1/14

interface Ethernet1/15

interface Ethernet1/16

interface Ethernet1/17

interface Ethernet1/18

interface Ethernet1/19

interface Ethernet1/20

interface Ethernet1/21

interface Ethernet1/22

interface Ethernet1/23

interface Ethernet1/24

interface Ethernet1/25

interface Ethernet1/26

interface Ethernet1/27

interface Ethernet1/28

interface Ethernet1/29

interface Ethernet1/30

interface Ethernet1/31

interface Ethernet1/32

interface Ethernet1/33
switchport mode trunk
speed 1000

interface Ethernet1/34

interface Ethernet1/35

interface Ethernet1/36

interface Ethernet1/37

interface Ethernet1/38

interface Ethernet1/39

interface Ethernet1/40

interface Ethernet1/41

interface Ethernet1/42

interface Ethernet1/43

interface Ethernet1/44

interface Ethernet1/45
switchport access vlan 200
speed 1000
duplex full

interface Ethernet1/46

interface Ethernet1/47
switchport access vlan 200
speed 1000

interface Ethernet1/48
switchport access vlan 200
speed 1000

interface Ethernet1/49/1

interface Ethernet1/49/2

interface Ethernet1/49/3

interface Ethernet1/49/4

interface Ethernet1/50/1

interface Ethernet1/50/2

interface Ethernet1/50/3

interface Ethernet1/50/4

interface Ethernet1/51/1

interface Ethernet1/51/2

interface Ethernet1/51/3

interface Ethernet1/51/4

interface Ethernet1/52/1

interface Ethernet1/52/2

interface Ethernet1/52/3

interface Ethernet1/52/4

line console
line vty
boot nxos bootflash:/nxos.7.0.3.I4.7.bin



Thanks for your help




what is connected on the provider side ? Your NEXUS by default runs Rapid PVST+, your provider switch is either not compatible, or your provider has turned STP off altogether. I would check with the provider...

Hello Georg,


i asked the the other side togive me the info about the STP that they configured and if it is on

I will update you 


Thanks a lot 

Level 7
Level 7


Type-inc means there is some inconsicistens with with the connected device.

If you don't have redundant connections to that device you can try to configure "spanning-tree bpdufilter enable" on that interface. But that means you are not protected against spanningtree loops.


Hello Mikael,


thanks for your reply , yes if i enabled the BPDU filter the ping works, I'm asking to other side to send me some info about the STP and if it is anebled or ont, I would avoid to disable the STP on this port .


I will update you

Thanks a lot



Level 1
Level 1

Its a very old topic, but if someone else has this problem: in my case, the opposite switchport was configured as a trunk, while I had an access-port. That can be trigger this error.


@Ziggy74 wrote:

Eth1/45 Desg BKN*4 128.45 P2p *TYPE_Inc

You receive this when the two interconnected ports are mismatched ( access<>trunk or trunk<> access)

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