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Jason Kunst
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

How can I have an English logo and a French logo depending on my guests browser locale?




This code was tested on ISE 1.3 but should work for all releases.

The requirement here is to provide an English logo when locale is set to English and a French logo when set to French. The concept here is to upload one image to the ISE portal. This image contains multiple sub-images that are addressed with different pixel coordinates using sprites.



english-language-portal.png  french-language-portal.png


Working with JavaScript

Look at the javascript section of this guide How To: ISE Web Portal Customization Options

Here is a video doing something similar, this video shows what are the steps to inject JavaScript into a Sponsor Portal under same location: How to hide items from the ISE Sponsor Portal page



Guest Portal > Portal Page Customization

Upload image

1. Upload the image as the desktop logo for the portal.

2. Remove mobile logo.




Paste in English Script (SCRIPT ATTACHED)

3. Choose View in - English

4. Under Login Page Customization - Optional Content 2

5. toggle html source to enter code

6. paste in English script

7. toggle html source again

8. Save portal


Paste in French Script (SCRIPT ATTACHED)

9. Change view in language to french

10. repeat steps 4-8 with French Script

11. Click Portal test URL and you will see English Logo


View French test

12. Under Portal Behavior and Flow Settings > Portal Settings > Display Language

13. Change to Always Use: French

14. Click Save

15. Click Portal Test URL

16. Change language back to English

17. Click Save


Other languages show the full image as there is no vector information, either create more language logos or use the english script for the rest of the languages



Oliver Laue
Level 4
Level 4

The Text file inside the zip is empty

Jason Kunst
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

apologies check it now

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