05-02-2013 01:13 AM
Hi folks,
we do have a Nexus 1000V installation running and functional.
In order to do a proof of concept we started several worst case scenarios and are shutting down the VSM and ESX.
After fully shutting down everything in the order VSM-secondry, VSM-primary, the second ESX host and at last the first ESX host.
The next step is to start the systems and test everything for functionality or problems. Now we are facing the issue, that all ports of VEMs are blocked.
~ # vemcmd show port
LTL VSM Port Admin Link State PC-LTL SGID Vem Port Type
18 UP UP F/B* 0 vmnic1
49 UP UP FWD 0 vmk0
50 DOWN UP BLK 0 centos-vm2.eth0
51 DOWN UP BLK 0 nexus-g4-vsm-2.eth2
52 DOWN UP BLK 0 nexus-g4-vsm-2.eth1
53 DOWN UP BLK 0 nexus-g4-vsm-2.eth0
* F/B: Port is BLOCKED on some of the vlans.
One or more vlans are either not created or
not in the list of allowed vlans for this port.
Please run "vemcmd show port vlans" to see the details.
~ # vemcmd show port vlans
Native VLAN Allowed
LTL VSM Port Mode VLAN State* Vlans
18 T 1 FWD 187,191
49 A 187 FWD 187
50 A 1 BLK 1
51 A 1 BLK 1
52 A 1 BLK 1
53 A 1 BLK 1
I am now not sure, is this normal behavior? I thought the configuration of VEMs should always be saved and in case of losing the VSM just new configuration of vethernet ports or port-profiles is not possible.
The following is the configuration of our N1Kv:
nexus-g4# show running-config
!Command: show running-config
!Time: Wed Apr 17 08:27:49 2013
version 4.2(1)SV2(1.1a)
svs switch edition essential
no feature telnet
feature netflow
username admin password 5 $1$vaQFlRGe$WmNylWhhNA6/B0/BlZ2Qe. role network-admin
banner motd #Nexus 1000v Switch#
ssh key rsa 2048
ip domain-lookup
ip host nexus-g4
hostname nexus-g4
errdisable recovery cause failed-port-state
ip access-list snmp-ro
10 permit ip any
vem 3
host vmware id 34333535-3533-435a-4a37-323730325332
vem 4
host vmware id 34333535-3533-435a-4a37-323730325334
snmp-server source-interface inform mgmt0
snmp-server user admin network-admin auth md5 0x9c794b86442143780e0d0fef86f5e7a0 priv 0x9c794b864
42143780e0d0fef86f5e7a0 localizedkey
snmp-server community public group network-operator
snmp-server community public use-acl snmp-ro
vrf context management
ip route
vlan 1,181,187,191
vlan 181
name Clients
vlan 187
name Mgmt
vlan 191
name Control
port-channel load-balance ethernet source-virtual-port-id
port-profile default max-ports 32
port-profile type ethernet Unused_Or_Quarantine_Uplink
vmware port-group
description Port-group created for Nexus1000V internal usage. Do not use.
state enabled
port-profile type vethernet Unused_Or_Quarantine_Veth
vmware port-group
description Port-group created for Nexus1000V internal usage. Do not use.
state enabled
port-profile type ethernet Uplink
vmware port-group
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 181,187,191
no shutdown
system vlan 187,191
state enabled
port-profile type vethernet VMkernel
capability l3control
vmware port-group
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 187
no shutdown
system vlan 187
state enabled
port-profile type vethernet VLAN181-Clients
vmware port-group
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 181
no shutdown
state enabled
port-profile type vethernet Control
capability l3control
vmware port-group
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 191
no shutdown
system vlan 191
state enabled
system storage-loss log time 30
vdc nexus-g4 id 1
limit-resource vlan minimum 16 maximum 2049
limit-resource monitor-session minimum 0 maximum 2
limit-resource vrf minimum 16 maximum 8192
limit-resource port-channel minimum 0 maximum 768
limit-resource u4route-mem minimum 1 maximum 1
limit-resource u6route-mem minimum 1 maximum 1
interface mgmt0
ip address
interface Vethernet1
inherit port-profile VMkernel
description VMware VMkernel, vmk0
vmware dvport 32 dvswitch uuid "8f 83 07 50 e3 81 90 81-a3 f0 c7 82 42 4b a2 1d"
vmware vm mac 001B.7830.52B4
interface Vethernet2
inherit port-profile VMkernel
description nexus-g4-vsm-1, Network Adapter 2
vmware dvport 35 dvswitch uuid "8f 83 07 50 e3 81 90 81-a3 f0 c7 82 42 4b a2 1d"
vmware vm mac 0050.5687.3AB1
interface Vethernet3
inherit port-profile Control
description nexus-g4-vsm-1, Network Adapter 1
vmware dvport 160 dvswitch uuid "8f 83 07 50 e3 81 90 81-a3 f0 c7 82 42 4b a2 1d"
vmware vm mac 0050.5687.7941
interface Vethernet4
inherit port-profile Control
description nexus-g4-vsm-1, Network Adapter 3
vmware dvport 162 dvswitch uuid "8f 83 07 50 e3 81 90 81-a3 f0 c7 82 42 4b a2 1d"
vmware vm mac 0050.5687.7391
interface Vethernet5
inherit port-profile VLAN181-Clients
description centos-vm2, Network Adapter 1
vmware dvport 64 dvswitch uuid "8f 83 07 50 e3 81 90 81-a3 f0 c7 82 42 4b a2 1d"
vmware vm mac 0050.5687.6A8C
interface Vethernet6
inherit port-profile VLAN181-Clients
description centos-vm3, Network Adapter 1
vmware dvport 65 dvswitch uuid "8f 83 07 50 e3 81 90 81-a3 f0 c7 82 42 4b a2 1d"
vmware vm mac 0050.5687.041A
interface Vethernet7
inherit port-profile Control
description nexus-g4-vsm-2, Network Adapter 3
vmware dvport 163 dvswitch uuid "8f 83 07 50 e3 81 90 81-a3 f0 c7 82 42 4b a2 1d"
vmware vm mac 0050.5687.0027
interface Vethernet8
inherit port-profile VMkernel
description nexus-g4-vsm-2, Network Adapter 2
vmware dvport 34 dvswitch uuid "8f 83 07 50 e3 81 90 81-a3 f0 c7 82 42 4b a2 1d"
vmware vm mac 0050.5687.6DF9
interface Vethernet9
inherit port-profile Control
description nexus-g4-vsm-2, Network Adapter 1
vmware dvport 161 dvswitch uuid "8f 83 07 50 e3 81 90 81-a3 f0 c7 82 42 4b a2 1d"
vmware vm mac 0050.5687.4380
interface Vethernet10
inherit port-profile VMkernel
description VMware VMkernel, vmk0
vmware dvport 33 dvswitch uuid "8f 83 07 50 e3 81 90 81-a3 f0 c7 82 42 4b a2 1d"
vmware vm mac 001B.7830.128E
interface Ethernet3/2
inherit port-profile Uplink
interface Ethernet4/2
inherit port-profile Uplink
interface control0
line console
boot kickstart bootflash:/nexus-1000v-kickstart.4.2.1.SV2.1.1a.bin sup-1
boot system bootflash:/nexus-1000v.4.2.1.SV2.1.1a.bin sup-1
boot kickstart bootflash:/nexus-1000v-kickstart.4.2.1.SV2.1.1a.bin sup-2
boot system bootflash:/nexus-1000v.4.2.1.SV2.1.1a.bin sup-2
domain id 1
control vlan 1
packet vlan 1
svs mode L3 interface mgmt0
svs connection vcenter
protocol vmware-vim
remote ip address port 80
vmware dvs uuid "8f 83 07 50 e3 81 90 81-a3 f0 c7 82 42 4b a2 1d" datacenter-name test-center
admin user n1kUser
max-ports 8192
vservice global type vsg
tcp state-checks invalid-ack
tcp state-checks seq-past-window
no tcp state-checks window-variation
no bypass asa-traffic
shared-secret **********
05-02-2013 04:46 AM
The VEMs will retain their "last known" configuration pulled from a VSM until it's reboot. This is expected behavior. If you shut down both VSMs, the VEM will continue to operate fine, but if you then reboot the VEM, when it comes up, all interfaces that were not pre-configured as "system vlans" will stay down until the VEM inserts as a module to the VSM. This is a security mechanism - VEMs must check in with the VSM for any configuration changes before bringing any ports up.
It's a very unlikely scenario where you would have to reboot a VEM while both active & secondary VSMs are unreachable. We recommend configuring a DRS rule to separate the primary & secondary VSMs so they never reside on the same host improving redundancy.
05-03-2013 12:29 AM
Hi Robert,
thank you for your quick respond.
What you mean by 'all interfaces that were not pre-configured as "system-vlans"'?
The VSM's interfaces are configured as system-vlans as well, but are blocking after the shutdown of the ESX hosts.
In order to get VSM's connected to each of another and to the VEM's you have to manually put the ports into the specific VLAN's at the VEM's (at ESX console).
Is there probably any TechDoc discribing this behavior?
Thank in advance
05-03-2013 05:08 AM
While the system is in this state please provide the following output from the VSM:
"show svs connection"
"show int brief"
05-13-2013 11:16 AM
Hi Robert,
finally I got the outputs;
nexus-g4# show svs connections
connection vcenter:
ip address:
remote port: 80
protocol: vmware-vim https
certificate: default
datacenter name: test-center
admin: n1kUser(user)
max-ports: 8192
DVS uuid: 8f 83 07 50 e3 81 90 81-a3 f0 x7 82 42 4b a2 1d
config status: Enabled
operational status: Disconnected
sync status: -
version: -
vc-uuid: -
nexus-g4# show interface brief
Port VRF Status IP Address Speed
mgmt0 -- up 1000
Vethernet VLAN Type Mode Status Reason Speed
Veth1 187 virt access down nonParticipating auto
Veth2 187 virt access down nonParticipating auto
Veth3 191 virt access down nonParticipating auto
Veth4 191 virt access down nonParticipating auto
Veth5 181 virt access down nonParticipating auto
Veth6 181 virt access down nonParticipating auto
Veth7 191 virt access down nonParticipating auto
Veth8 187 virt access down nonParticipating auto
Veth9 191 virt access down nonParticipating auto
Veth10 187 virt access down nonParticipating auto
Veth11 187 virt access down nonParticipating auto
Port VRF Status IP Address Speed
control0 -- up -- 1000
03-20-2014 02:10 AM
Hi everybody,
I had exactly the same problem.
VSM vnics are in port-group with system vlan configured, but they were blocked after ESX reload.
I have solved that by moving pnic and primary VSM back to vswitch to restore connectivity between VSM and VEM and to bring up ports. And then went back to N1Kv switch.
Is there any easier way to recover the issue after shutdown by this scenario?
And I'd like to join the question about any TechDoc discribing this behavior.
could you please tell how did you do this at ESX console:
>> In order to get VSM's connected to each of another and to the VEM's you have to manually put the >> ports into the specific VLAN's at the VEM's (at ESX console).
03-20-2014 04:20 AM
I have found what caused the issue.
I was using the following port-profile for ESX vmk0, vcenter veth and vsm veths:
port-profile type vethernet system
capability l3control
vmware port-group
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 100
no shutdown
system vlan 100
state enabled
I found the following log message:
%VEM_MGR-SLOT11-1-VEM_SYSLOG_ALERT: sfswitchdata : L3 Control and System VLAN configurations not applied on vethernet port. VMware Port[50331670] DVPortGroup[dvportgroup-25]. L3 Control can be applied only on VMKernel port.
I created dedicated port-profile without capability l3control specially for vcenter and vsm veths (vsm already knows that it should use mgmt0 in L3 mode because that information is in svs domain configuration):
port-profile type vethernet 100-agromov
vmware port-group
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 100
no shutdown
system vlan 100
state enabled
After that everything was fine. No required veth ports was blocked.
So, command capability l3control at vm's veth (vcenter vm and vsm vm) makes veth port blocked after ESX + both vsm shutdown even if it was system vlan configured.
My working config:
N1K-1# sh run
!Command: show running-config
!Time: Wed Mar 19 14:36:50 2014
version 4.2(1)SV2(2.2)
svs switch edition advanced
no feature telnet
banner motd #Nexus 1000v Switch#
ip domain-lookup
ip host N1K-1
hostname N1K-1
errdisable recovery cause failed-port-state
vem 11
host id eabd8850-baa2-e311-af00-000000000001
vem 12
host id eabd8850-baa2-e311-af00-000000000002
vem 13
host id eabd8850-baa2-e311-af00-000000000003
vem 14
host id eabd8850-baa2-e311-af00-000000000004
vrf context management
ip route
vlan 1,100-101
vlan 100
name agromov
vlan 101
name agromov-vm1
port-channel load-balance ethernet source-mac
port-profile default max-ports 32
port-profile type ethernet Unused_Or_Quarantine_Uplink
vmware port-group
description Port-group created for Nexus1000V internal usage. Do not use.
state enabled
port-profile type vethernet Unused_Or_Quarantine_Veth
vmware port-group
description Port-group created for Nexus1000V internal usage. Do not use.
state enabled
port-profile type vethernet 100-agromov
vmware port-group
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 100
no shutdown
system vlan 100
state enabled
port-profile type vethernet 101-agromov-vm1
vmware port-group
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 101
no shutdown
state enabled
port-profile type ethernet management
vmware port-group
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 100
no shutdown
system vlan 100
state enabled
port-profile type ethernet data
vmware port-group
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 101
no shutdown
state enabled
port-profile type vethernet system
capability l3control
vmware port-group
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 100
no shutdown
system vlan 100
state enabled
system storage-loss log time 30
vdc N1K-1 id 1
limit-resource vlan minimum 16 maximum 2049
limit-resource monitor-session minimum 0 maximum 2
limit-resource vrf minimum 16 maximum 8192
limit-resource port-channel minimum 0 maximum 768
limit-resource u4route-mem minimum 1 maximum 1
limit-resource u6route-mem minimum 1 maximum 1
interface mgmt0
ip address
interface Vethernet1
inherit port-profile system
description VMware VMkernel, vmk0
vmware dvport 227 dvswitch uuid "17 09 10 50 52 bd 12 fc-d8 55 a6 66 6b af 30 ce"
vmware vm mac 0025.B5AF.0009
interface Vethernet2
inherit port-profile system
description VMware VMkernel, vmk0
vmware dvport 225 dvswitch uuid "17 09 10 50 52 bd 12 fc-d8 55 a6 66 6b af 30 ce"
vmware vm mac 0025.B5AF.0003
interface Vethernet3
inherit port-profile system
description VMware VMkernel, vmk0
vmware dvport 226 dvswitch uuid "17 09 10 50 52 bd 12 fc-d8 55 a6 66 6b af 30 ce"
vmware vm mac 0025.B5AF.0006
interface Vethernet4
inherit port-profile 100-agromov
description vsm2, Network Adapter 1
vmware dvport 35 dvswitch uuid "17 09 10 50 52 bd 12 fc-d8 55 a6 66 6b af 30 ce"
vmware vm mac 0050.5690.CEF9
interface Vethernet5
inherit port-profile 100-agromov
description vcenter, Network Adapter 1
vmware dvport 36 dvswitch uuid "17 09 10 50 52 bd 12 fc-d8 55 a6 66 6b af 30 ce"
vmware vm mac 000C.29ED.B29E
interface Vethernet6
inherit port-profile 100-agromov
description vsm2, Network Adapter 2
vmware dvport 37 dvswitch uuid "17 09 10 50 52 bd 12 fc-d8 55 a6 66 6b af 30 ce"
vmware vm mac 0050.5690.4E09
interface Vethernet7
inherit port-profile 100-agromov
description vsm2, Network Adapter 3
vmware dvport 38 dvswitch uuid "17 09 10 50 52 bd 12 fc-d8 55 a6 66 6b af 30 ce"
vmware vm mac 0050.5690.2936
interface Vethernet8
inherit port-profile 100-agromov
description vsm1, Network Adapter 1
vmware dvport 39 dvswitch uuid "17 09 10 50 52 bd 12 fc-d8 55 a6 66 6b af 30 ce"
vmware vm mac 0050.5690.BD52
interface Vethernet9
inherit port-profile 100-agromov
description vsm1, Network Adapter 2
vmware dvport 32 dvswitch uuid "17 09 10 50 52 bd 12 fc-d8 55 a6 66 6b af 30 ce"
vmware vm mac 0050.5690.C461
interface Vethernet10
inherit port-profile system
description VMware VMkernel, vmk0
vmware dvport 224 dvswitch uuid "17 09 10 50 52 bd 12 fc-d8 55 a6 66 6b af 30 ce"
vmware vm mac 0025.B5AF.0000
interface Vethernet11
inherit port-profile 100-agromov
description vsm1, Network Adapter 3
vmware dvport 41 dvswitch uuid "17 09 10 50 52 bd 12 fc-d8 55 a6 66 6b af 30 ce"
vmware vm mac 0050.5690.58D6
interface Ethernet11/1
inherit port-profile data
interface Ethernet11/2
inherit port-profile data
interface Ethernet11/3
inherit port-profile management
interface Ethernet12/1
inherit port-profile data
interface Ethernet12/2
inherit port-profile data
interface Ethernet12/3
inherit port-profile management
interface Ethernet13/1
inherit port-profile data
interface Ethernet13/2
inherit port-profile data
interface Ethernet13/3
inherit port-profile management
interface Ethernet14/1
inherit port-profile data
interface Ethernet14/2
inherit port-profile data
interface Ethernet14/3
inherit port-profile management
interface control0
line console
boot kickstart bootflash:/nexus-1000v-kickstart.4.2.1.SV2.2.2.bin sup-1
boot system bootflash:/nexus-1000v.4.2.1.SV2.2.2.bin sup-1
boot kickstart bootflash:/nexus-1000v-kickstart.4.2.1.SV2.2.2.bin sup-2
boot system bootflash:/nexus-1000v.4.2.1.SV2.2.2.bin sup-2
domain id 1
control vlan 1
packet vlan 1
svs mode L3 interface mgmt0
svs connection lab.local
protocol vmware-vim
remote ip address port 80
vmware dvs uuid "17 09 10 50 52 bd 12 fc-d8 55 a6 66 6b af 30 ce" datacenter-name lab
max-ports 8192
vservice global type vsg
tcp state-checks invalid-ack
tcp state-checks seq-past-window
no tcp state-checks window-variation
no bypass asa-traffic
shared-secret **********
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