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Level 1
Level 1

An Executive Summary report can be shared with your existing customers (or with prospects) to provide a high level view of the network.

The summary can include the following information:

  • Customer Information
  • OnPlus Network Agent Status
  • Internet connectivity report
  • Topology diagram of the monitored network
  • Network event summary
  • Cisco product support information (product warranties, end-of-sale and end-of-life products, service contracts
  • Security Advisories

To create an Executive Summary report, follow these steps.

  1. Navigate to Overview > Report Listing.
  2. On the Report Listing page, click + Create Report.
  3. Choose Executive Summary as the report type.
  4. Choose the report format (Adobe PDF, CSV, or XHTML).
  5. Select the customer.
  6. Enter notes to display on the cover page of the report, then click Next.
  7. On the Sections page, click to select or deselect the sections you want to include in the report, then click Next.
    For example.
  8. Set reporting scheduling options. To create the report immediately, choose Now for the Report Creation date.
  9. Click Save. The report will be queued for processing.
  10. To view the status of your report request or preview and download completed reports, choose Reports > Report Listing. You may need to refresh the Report Listing page to view current report status, especially if you just created the report.
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