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Article ID:3838

Configuration of Ping Test on ON100


Ping is a computer network tool which is used to troubleshoot and check whether a particular destination host is reachable across the IP network. Ping sends an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) request to the particular interface on the network and awaits a reply.

In a real-time scenario, users can use ping to verify that an IP address is valid and that it can accept requests. It is mainly used to troubleshoot the connectivity of a network.

Note: The user must be logged on to the Cisco OnPlus Portal and be able to choose the desired network in order to perform a ping test.

Applicable Devices

• ON100

Software Version

•  v7.6.2.038

Configuration of Ping Test

Step 1. Log in to the Cisco OnPlus Portal, click the desired customer, and choose Dashboard.

Step 2. Move the mouse over the Toolbox icon to open the Ping Host flyout menu.

Step 3. Enter the IP address or the hostname to be pinged in the IP Address or Hostname field.

Step 4. Choose the number of packets to send from the Number of packets drop-down list. The default value is 5.

Step 5. Choose the size of the packets that are sent from the Packet size drop-down list. The default value is 64 bytes.

Step 6. Click Execute to start the ping test.

Step 7. Ping statistics are shown in the Result field. The result of a successful ping test is shown below.

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