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Article ID:2458

Configure 3GPP Compatible Mobile Device on PVC300 PTZ Internet Camera


The 3GPP file type is primarily associated with '3GPP'. It provides uniform delivery of rich multimedia to broadband mobile networks enhanced by the latest multimedia-enabled wireless devices. 

The objective of this document is to show you how to configure the 3GPP feature of PVC300 PTZ Internet Camera to a compatible mobile device. 

Applicable Devices

  • PVC300

Configure 3GPP Compatible Mobile Device

Step 1. In the Web Configuration Utility, choose Setup > Advanced Setup. The Advanced Setup page opens:


Step 2. Choose the Authentication option from the drop down menu. The authentication mode of RTSP streaming is set to disable because most players on 3GPP mobile phones do not support RTSP authentication.

  • Disabled — The Disabled option allows an RTP/RTSP session without a username or password.

Step 3. Set the RTSP port to 554 since most ISPs and media players require port 554 to allow RTSP streaming.

Step 4. In the Web Configuration Utility, choose Setup > Audio/Video/Camera > Video. The Video page opens.

Step 5. Enter the following parameters:

  • Mode — Select
  • MPEG-4 from the drop down menu.
  •  Resolution — Select
  • 176X144 from the drop down menu. 
  • Video Quality Control — Choose the
  • Constant Bit Rate radio button and then select 40Kbps from the drop down menu.
  • Max frame Rate — The RTP  is used to deliver video and audio data to the clients. By default, the RTP port for video is set to 5556.
Note: Leave the rest of the parameters unchanged.

Step 6. Click Save to save the changes made.


Step 7. In the Web Configuration Utility, choose Setup > Audio/Video/Camera > Audio. The Audio page opens.

Step 8. For GSM-AMR bit rate, choose 12.2 kbps from the drop down menu.

Step 9. Click Save to save the changes made.

Step 10. Launch the players on 3GPP-compatible mobile devices, (ex. Real Player). Type the URL commands in the player. The format is rtsp://<IP Address >:<RTSP Port>/<Access name for stream1 or stream2>.

  • IP Address — The public ip address of your camera.
  •  RTSP Port — Enter 554. 
  • Access name for stream1 or stream2  — For stream1 enter live.sdp and for stream2 enter live2.sdp.
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