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Article ID:3974

Configure Backup for LAN Device through Cisco OnPlus Portal


Backup for a LAN device is necessary while any maintenance for the customer site occurs. It saves the configuration in case an error happens while maintenance is in progress. It is recommended to backup once every 24 hours at the time of maintenance of the site. You can configure backup management through the Cisco OnPlus Portal only for the Cisco devices that support it.

The objective of this document is to show you how to configure backup management for a LAN device through the Cisco OnPlus Portal.

Applicable Devices

• ON100

Software Version


Configure Backup Management

Note: To configure backup management you need to have valid access credentials. To know more on how to configure credentials refer to Login Access Setup for a Device on Cisco OnPlus Portal.

Step 1. Log in to the Cisco OnPlus Portal, click the desired customer, and choose Dashboard.

Step 2. Move the mouse over the device you want to backup and click Device Information. A new window appears:

Step 3. Click the Backups tab.

Backup Device Configuration

You need to take a backup of the configuration file of the device while any maintenance occurs at the customer site. You can take the backup of the configuration file of the device through the Cisco OnPlus Portal.

Step 1. Click Backup Now to make an immediate backup for the device and the backup file will be added.

Note: A notification about the requested backup will be displayed on the portal. The backup is only possible if the configuration of the device is changed. If the configuration of the device is not changed, the portal will display a notification about this and the backup will not be created. 

Step 4. (Optional) Click the backup file and click Download if you want to download the current configuration file of the device to your PC.

Step 5. (Optional) Click the backup file and click Delete if you want to delete the configuration file of the device.

Step 2. Click OK to save the settings.

Upload Configuration File

You can upload a configuration file through the OnPlus Portal for any device which is connected to the OnPlus device. However, before you can upload a file, you need to have a backup configuration file saved on your PC.

Step 1. Click Upload File and browse the path in your computer where you saved the configuration file before.

Step 2. (Optional) Click the backup file and enter a comment for the backup file of the device in the Comment field.

Step 3. Click the backup file and click Restore to restore the configuration file. A notification about the restore will be displayed and after restore the configuration file for the device, the device will be restarted.

Step 6. Click OK to save the settings.

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