04-17-2018 01:59 PM - edited 03-21-2019 12:51 AM
Article ID:5807
The Quality of Service (QoS) feature on the WAP125 or WAP581 access points contain Differentiated Services (DiffServ) support that allows you to classify and manage network traffic. The configuration of DiffServ begins with the configuration of a Class Map. A Class Map identifies the traffic that need to be policed. It works as a component of a Policy Map. Class Maps contain conditions that traffic need to match in order to be forwarded or dropped.
There can be many Class Maps in a Policy Map where either one Class Map can be matched, or all Class Maps should be matched for the action specified in the Policy Map to take place. A Class Map and a Policy Map are to be created to complete the QoS configuration of an access point. Class maps are typically utilized to filter traffic based on the IP Address type or MAC address. This results in optimum network performance since unwanted traffic is dropped.
This article aims to show you how to configure a Client QoS MAC Class Map on the WAP125 or WAP581 access point.
Step 1. Log in to the web-based utility by entering your Username and Password in the fields provided and then click Login.
Note: The default username and password is cisco/cisco.
Step 2. Choose Access Control > Client QoS.
Note: The images on this article are taken from the WAP125. Menu options may vary depending on the model of your device.
Step 3. Click the Traffic Classes tab.
Step 4. Click the + button to add a traffic class.
Note: You can add up to 50 Class Maps.
Step 5. Enter a name for the class map in the Traffic Class Name field. The name can be a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters up to 31 characters, without spaces.
Note: In this example, MACTraffic is entered.
Step 6. Choose MAC from the Class Type drop-down list.
Note: If you want to know how to configure an IPv4 Class Map, click here. For IPv6 Class Map configuration, click here.
Step 7. Click the More... button.
Step 8. Choose a Protocol to match by keyword or enter a protocol ID. The options are:
Note: In this example, Select From List is chosen.
Step 9. (Optional) Define the protocol that needs to be matched. The options from the drop-down list are:
Note: In this example, IPv6 is chosen.
Step 10. (Optional) Enter the custom protocol number in the Protocol field.
Note: In this example, 3 is entered.
Step 11. Choose a class of service from the Class of Service drop-down list. The options are:
Note: In this example, Any is chosen.
Step 12. Choose a Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) from the VLAN ID drop-down list. The options are:
Note: In this example, User Defined is chosen.
Step 13. (Optional) Enter the VLAN ID in the VLAN ID field.
Note: In this example, 17 is entered.
Step 14. Click OK.
Step 15. Choose the Source Address. The source address of a packet requires a source MAC address of a packet to match the defined MAC address. The options are:
Note: In this example, Any is chosen.
Step 16. From the Destination Address drop-down list, choose the destination address that a packet needs to be considered a match. The options are:
Note: In this example, Single Address is chosen.
Step 17. (Optional) Enter the MAC address in the Destination Address field.
Note: In this example, 1A:2B:3C:4D:5E:6F is entered.
Step 18. Click Save.
You now have configured a MAC Class Map on the WAP125 or WAP581 access point.
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