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Article ID:2828

Configure Motion Detection on the WVC210 Wireless-G PTZ Internet Video Camera


The WVC210 Wireless-G PTZ Video Camera comes with many security features that help you monitor your business from any location. One of these features is motion detection. With motion detection, you can set the desired area to detect movement and the level of sensitivity, so that you receive e-mail alerts every time the camera detects something. 

The objective of this document is to show you how to configure motion detection on the WVC210 Wireless-G PTZ Video Camera.

Applicable Devices

  • WVC210

Software Version


Motion Detection Configuration

Note: Motion detection can only be configured using the Internet Explorer web browser.

Step 1. In the web configuration utility, choose Setup > Applications > Motion Detection. The Motion Detection page opens.


Step 2. Under Event, check the Enable E-mail Alert check box.

Step 3. A warning message windows is displayed. Click OK.

Step 4. Click Save to save your settings.

Step 5. In the Motion Detection page, click Set Area & Sensitivity. The Set Area and Sensitivity page opens:

Step 6. Configure the areas of sensitivity. There are two options:


  • Full Screen — Check this box to set the entire screen as the area of sensitivity.
  • Setting Custom Area — Check this box to set a specific area of sensitivity of the screen. You can set up to 3 separate areas.

Step 7. Adjust the sensitivity of each window using the Threshold slider.

Note: Less threshold means more sensitivity.

Step 8. Click Save to save your settings. Now you will receive e-mail alerts via the motion detection feature of the camera.

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