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Article ID:5424

Configure Speed Dial on the Cisco IP Phone 7800 Series and 8800 Series


Speed dial is a feature that automates the dialing process to a telephone number or extension. All the user has to do is to press one or two buttons to dial a number. Speed dial is common on many phone systems. It is typically set up for frequently called numbers. On the Cisco IP Phone 7800 Series and 8800 Series Multiplatform Phones, speed dial can be configured on the phone itself or through the web-based utility.

This article aims to show you how to configure speed dialing on a Cisco IP Phone 7800 Series and 8800 Series Multiplatform Phone. It assumes that you already have a working phone and that you have already disabled the line key that you need to configure as a speed dialer.

Applicable Devices

  • 7800 Series
  • 8800 Series

Software Version

  • 11.0.1

Configure Speed Dial

Through the Web-based Utility

Configuring speed dial can be done on any Programmable Line Key (PLK), Programmable Soft Keys (PSK) or Key Expansion Module (KEM). Follow these steps to configure speed dial on the PLK and PSK.

For PLK and PSK

Step 1. Choose a line key on the phone that you need to use as a speed dialer.

Note: A line key can be programmed to store one telephone number for speed dialing.

Step 2. Access the web-based utility of the phone and choose Admin Login > advanced.

Step 3. Click Voice > Phone.

Step 4. Find the line key that you chose to assign as speed dial and choose Disabled from the Extension drop-down list.

Note: In this example, Line Key 2 is chosen.

Step 5. In the Extended Function field, enter the appropriate string value. In this example, below is used:


  • fnc — definition of the extended function
  • ext — This is the telephone number or extension number to be dialed.
  • nme — (Optional) This is the name of the extension to be dialed. For example: John Smith. If not specified, the speed dial number will be shown.

Step 6. Scroll down to Programmable Softkeys area and choose Yes from the Programmable Softkey Enable drop-down list.

Step 7. In the PSK 2 field, enter the same string value entered in Step 5.

Step 8. Click Submit All Changes.

You should now have configured speed dialing on your IP phone through the web-based utility through the PLK and PSK.


Step 1. Access the web-based utility of the phone and choose Admin Login > advanced.

Step 2. Click Voice > Unit 1.

Note: In this example, the first KEM is configured. Choose a different unit should the line key to be configured fall a different one.

Step 3. Choose the line key that you need to assign as speed dial and enter the following string value in the Key 1 field.


  • fnc — definition of the extended function
  • ext — This is the telephone number or extension number to be dialed.
  • nme — (Optional) This is the name of the extension to be dialed. For example: John Smith. If not specified, the speed dial number will be shown.

Step 4. Click Submit All Changes.

You should now have configured speed dial on the expansion module of the phone via the web-based utility.

Through the Phone

Step 1. Choose the line to configure as speed dial.

Note: Ensure that the line is disabled in the web-based utility. In this example, the button number 2 is used.

Step 2. Press and hold the line button until the interface allows you to enter the name and phone number.

Step 3. In the Name field, enter the name to be displayed when the line is idle.

Note: In this example, John Smith is entered.

Step 4. In the Numberfield, enter the phone number to be dialed when pressing the button.

Note: In this example, 5551234 is entered.

Step 5. Press the Savesoft key.

Verify that Speed Dialing is Working

Step 1. Press the line key that was configured for speed dialing on the phone.

Step 2. Verify that it dialed the number correctly.

Note: In this example, John Smith 5551234 is dialed.

Add Speed Dial on a Key Expansion Module

Step 1. Access the web-based utility of the phone and click Admin Login > advanced.

Step 2. Click Voice > Att Console.

Step 3. Enter the speed dial extended function code in the chosen line key.


  • fnc — definition of the extended function
  • ext — This is the telephone number or extension number to be dialed.
  • nme — (Optional) This is the name of the extension to be dialed, for example, John Smith. If not specified, the speed dial number will be shown.

Note: In this example, Unit 1 Key 1 is chosen.

Step 5. Click Submit All Changes.

You should now have successfully configured speed dialing on your phone.

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