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Article ID:5592

Configure the Remote Log Settings on the WAP125 and WAP581


System events are activities that may require attention and necessary actions to be taken to run the system smoothly and prevent failures. These events are recorded as logs. System Logs (Syslogs) enable the administrator to keep track of particular events that take place on the device.

Log settings define the logging rules and output destinations for messages, notifications, and other information as various events are recorded on the network. This feature notifies responsible personnel so that necessary action will be taken when an event occurs. Logs can also be sent to a remote server where logs of all the network activity are recorded.

This article aims to show you how to configure the Remote Log Settings on the WAP125 and WAP581.

Applicable Devices

  • WAP125
  • WAP581

Software Version


Configure the Remote Log Settings

Note: This configuration assumes that the local Log Settings have already been configured. To learn how, click here.

Step 1. Log in to the web-based utility of the WAP and choose System Configuration > Notification.

Step 2. Under the Remote Log Server Table, checka check box of a row to configure the Remote Log Server address.

Step 3. Click .

Step 4.Check the Enable check box to let the WAP send system logs to a configured remote server and to enable fields for editing.

Step 5. In the Server IPv4/IPv6 Address/Name field, enter the address or the name of the remote syslog server. The format must either be in IPv4, IPv6, or a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).

Note: In this example, an IPv4 address of is used.

Step 6. Choose an option from the Log Severity drop-down list. The severity chosen is inclusive of all the higher levels, so logs are kept for all severity levels from the top level down to the chosen level.

  • Emergency — This is level 0. System is unusable. This is normally broadcast to all processes.
  • Alert — This is level 1. Immediate action needed.
  • Critical — This is level 2. Critical conditions, such as a hardware device error.
  • Error — This is level 3. Error conditions.
  • Warning — This is level 4. Warning conditions.
  • Notice — This is level 5. Normal but significant condition.
  • Info — This is level 6. Informational messages only. A condition that is not an error condition, but that may require special handling.
  • Debug — This is level 7. Debugging messages contains information normally of use only when debugging a program.

Note: In this example, Debug is used.

Step 7. In the UDP Port field, enter the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port number to which the log messages are sent. The default port number is 514.

Step 8. Click .

Step 9. (Optional) Repeat steps 2-8 to configure the remote failover server.

You now have successfully configured the Remote Log Settings on the WAP125 and WAP581 Access Point.


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