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Article ID:3068

Enable Message Tracking on Cisco Virus and Spam Blocker


The message tracking application allows administrators to find the status of each and every email sent from the blocker with the use of various parameters, such as the sender, subject etc. Message tracking follows the path of an email from when it enters the blocker until it is delivered to an email user, sent to a quarantine, or blocked. This article explains how to enable message tracking on the Cisco Virus and Spam Blocker.

Applicable Devices

• Cisco Virus and Spam Blocker

Enable Message Tracking

Step 1. Use the web configuration utility to choose Services > Message Tracking. The Message Tracking page opens:

Step 2. Click the Edit Settings button.


Step 3. Check the Enable Message Tracking Service radio button.

Step 4. (Optional) At the Rejected Connection Handling field, check the Save tracking information for rejected connections to also track the emails from blacklisted senders.

Note: This setting is not recommended as it inhibits optimum performance.

Step 4. Click Submit.

Step 5. Click Commit Changes.

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