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Article ID:3844

Filter Criteria on Cisco OnPlus Portal


Filter Criteria specifies the criteria to filter the devices which are displayed on the dashboard view. This can be used to access filter options for the Network topology and Device listing views.

This article explains how to configure Filter Criteria on the Cisco OnPlus 100.

Applicable Devices

• OnPlus 100

Software Version

• v7.6.2.038

Filter Criteria on OnPlus 

Step 1.  Log in to the Cisco OnPlus Portal, click the desired customer, and choose Dashboard.

Step 2. Move the mouse over the Filter icon. The Filter Criteria flyout menu opens.

Step 3. Click one of the radio buttons from the Matching field. It consists of two options.

• All of — This lists only the devices which match all of the search criteria in the search results.

• Any of — This lists the devices which match any one of the search criteria in the search results.

Step 4. The search criteria has many options to choose from. The user needs to check the check boxes for the desired search criteria. Specify one or more of the search criteria. Based on this, the devices are searched. The options are given below.

• Devices containing text — Enter device names or descriptions. This is used to identify the device. This search is not case-sensitive.

• Device Class — Choose a device class from the Device Class drop-down list. This gives information about which class (routers, access points, etc) devices belong to at the time of discovery.

Note: To edit the Category, Label, and Icon entries for the device, please refer to the article Configure Device Settings on OnPlus100.

• Category — Choose a device category from the Category drop-down list. The search is based on which category the device belongs to. This can be user defined or system defined.

• Label — Choose the label of the device from the Label drop-down list.

• Icon — Choose an icon from the Icon drop-down list. This filters all devices which have that icon. Only the icons for devices which are in the inventory of the current customer are listed.

• Source — Choose the source through which the search will take place. The sources can be OnPlus Scanner, Cisco Network Assistant and ON100 Network Agent.

• IP Address containing — Enter the desired portion of an IP address. The devices are searched for those whose IP addresses contain the specified portion.

• MAC Address containing — Enter the desired portion of the MAC address. The devices are searched for those whose MAC addresses contain the specified portion.

• Serial Number containing — Enter the desired portion of a serial number. The devices are searched for those whose serial numbers contain the specified portion.

• Monitors — Choose the monitors which are used by the devices. The monitors has two options. The monitors associated with each device can be found when user clicks the Device Information icon and clicks Monitors from the flyout menu which opens.

– One or more monitors provisioned — One or more monitors are associated with the device.

– No monitors provisioned — No monitors are associated with the device.

Step 5. (Optional) Click Clear all search criteria to clear the currently entered search options.

Step 6. Click Apply Search to search devices which match the entries. The searched device is shown.

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