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Article ID:3896

Manage Device Monitors for Devices on the OnPlus 100


Event Monitors are mainly used to monitor the device in order to provide notifications to the technicians in a timely manner if there are any problems with the device performance. Testing in a network is done mainly to check the performance of the network. There are various tests which are available based on the monitors which are present in the device. You can add a new monitor or you can delete an existing monitor. When you add a new monitor, the events for the new monitor are automatically generated based on the criteria of the new monitor.

Note: If you want to send non-default notifications about a device monitor, you need to add delivery contacts and delivery rules. To know more on how to add delivery contacts refer to Add and Manage Delivery Contacts on OnPlus Portal and delivery rules refer to Configure Delivery Rules on OnPlus100.

This article explains how to manage device moniotr for any device on OnPlus100.

Applicable Devices

• OnPlus 100

Software Version

• v7.6.2.036

Configure Device Monitors

Step 1. Log in to the Cisco OnPlus Portal, click the desired user, and choose Dashboard.

Step 2. Move the mouse over the selected device and click Device Information. A window appears:

Step 3. Click the Monitors tab. The Monitor page opens:


Step 4. Click the Plus (+) icon which is in the left corner of the page. A list of monitors appears:

Step 5. Choose the appropriate monitor which you want to add or remove from the list of monitors.

Step 6. Enter the necessary information in the respected fields.

Step 7. Click OK to save the settings.

Note: You will see a Monitor Badge for the device to whom you configure a device monitor event in the Network Topology view.

Step 8. (Optional) If you want to delete any of the created monitors, click the respective monitor and then click the Minus (-) icon (at Step 4) which is in the left corner of the page. Click OK to save settings.

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