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Article ID:3868

Monitor WAN Network Performance of the Site on OnPlus 100


Event Monitors are mainly used to monitor the device in order to give notifications to the technicians in a timely manner if there are any problems with the device performance. Testing in a network is done mainly to check the performance of the network. There are various tests which are available based on the monitors which are present in the device.

Note: For the devices other than OnPlus Network Agent and devices which provide a WAN port to connect to the Internet, this tab is blank when accessed first because event monitors are not added yet. In the case of the OnPlus, when the OnPlus Network Agent is activated for a customer, the event monitors such as WAN Network Performance, CPU Load, Duplicate IP, DHCP Server, DNS Service, and Memory are enabled and created by default. Default Monitors in OnPlus Network Agent cannot be deleted but can be disabled.

This article explains how to monitor the WAN Network performance of the site.

Applicable Devices

• OnPlus 100

Software Version

• v7.6.2.038

Monitor WAN Network Performance of the Site

Step 1. Log in to Cisco OnPlus Portal, click the desired customer, and choose Dashboard.

Step 2. Move the mouse over the ON100 device from the Network Topology view and click the Device Information icon.

Step 3. Click the Monitors tab. For each monitor, three icons are available. The first icon gives information about the particular monitor, the second icon is used test the monitor, and the third icon is used to indicate whether the monitor is enabled or not. Make sure the monitor is enabled before the testing is done. Please refer to the article Enable or Disable Device Monitors on OnPlus 100 to enable a monitor if it is not enabled.

Step 4. Click the WAN Network Performance monitor which is the monitor to be tested. The WAN Network Performance has parameters like jitter, latency, and loss whose values can be edited. 

Note: Warning values are used to generate an event if the WAN network performance falls below the thresholds. Critical values are used as thresholds and critical events are generated if there is no response from the portal responder service or when the threshold value is crossed.

Step 5. Enter the warning and critical values for the jitter in the Jitter Warning (ms) and Jitter Critical (ms) fields respectively. This is the measure of the variability over time of the packet latency across a network. 

Step 6. Enter the warning and critical values for the latency in the Latency Warning (ms) and Latency Critical (ms) fields respectively. It is a delay from the time of the start of packet transmission at the sender to the time of the end of packet reception at the receiver.

Step 7.  Enter the warning and critical values for packet loss in the Loss Warning (%) and Loss Critical (%) fields respectively. It is the percentage of failure of transmitted packets to arrive at their destinations.

Step 8. Click Test Monitor to test the WAN network performance. A new page opens.

Step 9. (Optional)  Check Generate an event to allow a real event to be created that reflects the result from the test. If the generated event has a delivery rule associated to it then the event will be created and delivered to the user in accordance to that rule.

Step 10. Click Run in the Run Test field to run the test. The results are shown in the Test Output field.

Step 11. (Optional) Click the Back icon, highlighted above, to return to the previous page to make any desired changes.

Step 12. Click OK to close the window.

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