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Patrick Born
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Have you ever configured a unique dial plan or daylight saving time rule on a phone only to come back later and find that your unique configuration has been replaced?

Perhaps you have a SPA phone registered to an Asterisk, Trixbox, Broadsoft, or other call control device and found that the phone automatically registered to a SPA9000 that you introduced to the LAN for testing?

This is because the SPA9000 locates and then auto-provisions any device that is configured [by factory default] to accept control from a SPA9000 on the same network.

Disable this automatic process as follows using the device's web-ui:

  1. SIP tab > Linksys Key System Parameters > Linksys Key System: no
  2. Provisioning tab > Configuration Profile > Provision Enable: no
  3. Scroll down and click Submit All Changes


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