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Patrick Born
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Ever wonder how you can send a SPA9000's configuration to someone for analysis?

It's simple and is done in a few seconds.

You'll need:

  - Device's IP address

  - Computer with network access  to the device

  - Administration password for device [if set]

Save the configuration of the SPA9000, WRP400, or similar device as follows:

Note that these device types have two distinct sections that must be saved separately, namely a Routing/Networking tab and a Voice tab.

A. Saving the Routing/Networking configuration on a SPA9000:

1. Direct your browser to http://<IP_of_device>/admin/advanced

2. Use your browser's save page feature to write the device's entire Router configuration to a single file:

      • IE: Page > Save As > Save as type Webpage, HTML only
      • FireFox: File > Save Page As > Save as type Web Page, complete

3. Name the file as follows: SPA9000Router_date_time.html

Example: SPA9000Router_Feb182009_09h18.html

B. Saving the Voice configuration on a SPA9000:

1. Direct your browser to http://<IP_of_device>/admin/voice/advanced

2. Use your browser's save page feature to write the device's entire Voice configuration to a single file:

      • IE: Page > Save As > Save as type Webpage, HTML only
      • FireFox: File > Save Page As > Save as type Web Page, complete

3. Name the file as follows: SPA9000Voice_date_time.html

Example: SPA9000Voice_Feb182009_09h18.html

Now you can send the SPA9000Router_Feb182009_09h18.html and the SPA9000Voice_Feb182009_09h18.html files to someone in order to show them how you have configured the device. Don't worry, they cannot access your device's passwords.



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