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SIP or H.323 trunks are the most common VoIP trunks deployed today to interconnect to the outside world (i.e. the Public Switched Telephone Network / PSTN) or to talk between IP PBXes (such as between UC500s at multiple sites). The UC500 supports standards based SIP or H.323 trunks.

SIP trunks are the most popular choice today as an IP based PSTN interconnect for a variety of reasons and hence is the focus on this page. To make SIP Trunk deployments to UC500 simpler, the CCA tool provides a drop down with a list of tested SIP Trunk Service Providers (SPs) that offer Feature Interoperability and reliable Quality of Service (QoS).

Getting Started:

Configuring UC500 for for Generic SIP Trunk provider (VOD)

XO Pkg 1 Config GuidePaetec Config GuideBroadview config guideSection 4.4.2 Securing the UC500 for SIP trunk calls on the UC520

Possible security issue with Cisco CME running on ISRs and UC500 with CBeyond SIP Trunks?

There was a security alert issued by CBeyond in June 2008 due to a specific configuration of Cisco CME running on ISRs and UC500 with CBeyond's network. There are 2 options:

Use CCA 1.9 or higher to configure Cbeyond SIP Trunks
If using CCA 1.8 or earlier, please refer to  Section 2.4 on the CBeyond SIP Trunk configuration guide for steps to resolve the issue.

Outbound calls take a long time to ring

If using the Generic SIP Trunk provider option, the configuration is setup to wait for 10 seconds before sending the call out the SIP Trunk. To make the dialplan more specific on the UC500 please refer to Section 4.4.8 Creating a specific Dial Plan for outbound calls

Inbound calls from SIP Trunk on UC500 fail with 500 Internal Server Error?

Please check the troubleshooting tech tip for Section 4.3.14, under the NOTE portion

Getting Started

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