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Article ID:3878

TCP/UDP Port Configuration on VC240 Bullet Network Camera


With the advanced network setup option on the VC240 Bullet Network Camera, you can edit settings for Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), HTTP Secure (HTTPS), Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP), Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP). RTP is an Internet protocol for transmitting real-time data such as audio and video. RTP itself does not guarantee real-time delivery of data, but it does provide mechanisms for the sending and receiving applications to support steaming data.

This article explains how to configure advance network settings on the VC240 Bullet Network Camera.

Applicable Devices

• VC240 Bullet Network Camera

Software Version


TCP/UDP Port Configuration

Step 1. Log in to the web configuration utility and choose Network Setting > TCP/UDP. The TCP/UDP Port Setting page opens:

 Step 2. Choose the HTTP authentication type from the Authentication drop-down list. Authentication is done according to the network security requirements, the VC240 camera provides two types of security configuration for HTTP transaction.

•  Basic — The password is sent in plain text format.

• Digest — User credentials are encrypted using the MD5 algorithm and this method provides better protection against unauthorized access.

Step 3. Enter the access name for Stream 1 in the Access Name for Stream 1 field and the access name for Stream 2 in the Access Name for Stream 2 field respectively. The access names for Stream 1/Stream 2 differentiate the streaming source by name. The default is video.mjpg and video2.mjpg, respectively. This can also be useful for viewing on one stream and recording on another. 


Step 4. Enter the HTTP port for communication in the HTTP Port field. The default HTTP port is 80 and range is from 1024 and 65535, if you do not want  to use port 80. The default secondary HTTP port is 8080.

Note: Both HTTP port and secondary HTTP port can be used to access the camera within a LAN.

Step 5.  Enter the Secondary HTTP port for communication in the Secondary HTTP Port field. The default Secondary HTTP port is 8080. The range is from 1024 to 65535.

Step 6. Enter the port number used for the FTP server in the FTP Port field. The default port is 21.

Step 7. Enter HTTPS port number in the HTTPS Port field. The default HTTPS port is 443.

Step 8. Enter the port number used for audio in the Two Way Audio Port field. The default port is 5060.

Step 9. Choose the authentication option from the Authentication drop-down list. Authentication is used for RTP/RTSP. There are three options available for authentication.

•  Disabled – Allows an RTP/RTSP session without a username or password.

• Basic – Allows the username and password to be sent over the network in clear text.

•  Digest – An agreed-upon method that a web page can use to negotiate credentials with a web user using the HTTP protocol. The Digest authentication method is an application of MD5 cryptography.

Step 10. Enter the access name for Stream 1 in the Access Name for Stream 1 field and the access name for Stream 2 in the Access Name for Stream 2 field respectively. The default is live.sdp and live2.sdp, respectively. These names are the access URLs for accessing the camera from client software.

Step 11. Enter the RTP video port number in the RTP Port for Video field. The default value for RTP port for video is set to 5556. RTP is used to deliver video and audio data to the clients. Change the port number if more than one camera is doing multicast and using the same default IP address.

Step 12. Enter the RTCP video port number in the RTCP Port for Video field. The default value for RTCP video port is set to 5557.The Real-time Transport Control Protocol (RTCP) allows the Cisco VC240 network camera to transmit data by monitoring Internet traffic volume. Change the port number if more than one camera is doing multicast and using the same default IP address.

Step 13. Enter the RTP audio port number in the RTP Port for Audio field. The default value for RTP port for audio is set to 5558. It must be an even number. Change the port number if more than one camera is doing multicast and using the same default IP address.

Step 14. Enter the RTCP audio port number in the RTCP Port for Audio field. The default is set to 5559. It must be the port number of audio RTP, plus 1. You can modify the multicast setting for Stream 1 and Stream 2. Change the port number if more than one camera is doing multicast and using the same default IP address.

Step 15. Enter the RTSP port number in the RTSP Port field. The default RTSP port is 554. Configure your router to forward traffic to this port on your computer. 

Step 16. Click Save to submit the changes.

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