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Alberto Montilla
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee



UC300 support standard SIP according to IETF RFC3261, plus some  extensions, so it may work properly with many different Service  Providers, allowing for VoIP connectivity. This page includes information and configuration details provided as means to  ensure a smooth integration and the proper operations of the features.

SIP trunk basics

A SIP trunk is a service offered by an ITSP to use SIP protocol to set up communications between an enterprise PBX and the ITSP. SIP trunks are similar to a phone lines, except that SIP trunks use the IP network, not the PSTN. In addition, SIP trunks permit the convergence of voice and data onto common all-IP connections.  For example,  besides the voice services, SIP trunks can also provide services like Instant Messaging and presence applications, etc. 

In order to access the IP network using an SIP trunk, it is necessary that configurations be made on the ITSP, as well as on the customer side.

UC 320 SIP Trunk Configuration

SIP Trunk configuration is achieved via the UC320 Configuration Utility. You can enter the main parameters for your Service Provider account on a "Generic SIP Provider". We provide below the configuration for a list of Certified Service Providers. The SMART Designs and the UC320W Administration Guide (English) provide guidance about SIP Trunks deployments and associated parameters. Figure below shows an example of the UC320 Configuration Utility SIP Trunk Configuration Screen.


Configuration Guides

Validated SIP Trunk Service Providers*

Note: The information on this section is provided as is and currently represents the testing results performed by Cisco or Cisco Partners on a specific UC320W firmware release and date. This is not an official certification of the tests or the Service Provider Service. This information is provided as reference only and may change at any point of time without notice.

The following table contains the list of SIP Trunk Service Providers that have been validated on UC320W, either by Cisco or by a Cisco Partner (Service Provider and/or reseller partner).

If you are a Service Provider who would like to test and validate the UC320W, please check the UC320 SIP Trunk Validation Process.

Service Provider
CountryConfiguration Guide
TelgoAustriaUC320 SIP trunk configuration for Telgo (Austria)
KeyyoFranceUC320 SIP trunk configuration for Keyyo (France)

Telecom Liechtenstein


UC320 SIP trunk configuration for Telecom Liechtenstein
WxC (WorldxChange Comms)New ZealandUC320 SIP trunk configuration for WxC (New Zealand)
WorldnetPuerto RicoUC320 SIP trunk configuration for Worldnet (Puerto Rico)
IbercomSpainConfiguración de troncal SIP para Ibercom (España)
VozeliaSpainConfiguración de troncal SIP para Vozelia (España)
Voz TelecomSpainConfiguración de troncal SIP para Voz Telecom (España)
e-fonSwitzerlandUC320 SIP trunk configuration for e-fon (Switzerland)
peoplefoneSwitzerlandUC320 SIP trunk configuration for peoplefone (Switzerland)
sipcall.chSwitzerlandUC320 SIP trunk  configuration for (Switzerland)
VTXSwitzerlandUC320 SIP trunk configuration for VTX (Switzerland)
FutureLineUKUC320 SIP trunk configuration for FutureLine (UK)

Gamma  Telecom


UC320  SIP trunk configuration for Gamma Telecom (UK)

OrbtalkUKUC320 SIP trunk configuration for Orbtalk(UK)
SpitfireUKUC320 SIP trunk configuration for Spitfire (UK)
SipsynergyUKUC320 SIP trunk configuration for Sipsynergy (UK) SIP trunk configuration for (UK)

VoIP Unlimited

UKUC320 SIP trunk configuration for VoIP Unlimited (UK)
BroadviewUSAUC320 SIP Trunk configuration for Broadview
CbeyondUSAUC320 SIP Trunk configuration for Cbeyond
QwestUSAUC320 SIP Trunk configuration for Qwest
Triad TelecomUSAUC320 SIP Trunk configuration for Triad TelecomTrial Offer
Windstream (Nuvox)USAUC320 SIP Trunk configuration for Windstream (Nuvox)


Is there a list of SIP trunk Service Providers in the UC320 Configuration Utility drop-down menu?

No, the UC320 configuration utility allows for easy configuration of generic SIP trunk accounts, please check the table above for the tested SIP trunks Service Providers and their associated configuration.

I represent a Service Provider, how do we get listed on the UC320 Validated SIP Trunk list?

Please check the UC320 SIP Trunk Certification Process for instructions about how to get listed on the UC320 Validated SIP Trunk list.

Does the UC320 supports multiple SIP Trunks?

Yes. UC300 supports SIP trunks to up to 4 different simultaneous Service Providers. In current release, the Service Providers must be within same dial plan (country). Connectivity with Mediatrix ISDN Digital gateways for BRI connectivity uses one SIP trunk.

What are the maximum number of concurrent calls supported over UC320 SIP trunks?

On current release, the maximum number of concurrent calls per each SIP trunk is eight (8). The maximum total number of external calls, included all SIP trunks and PSTN (FXO) lines is 12. Note that maximum number of concurrent calls over SIP trunks depends also on the available broadband connection bandwidth and the codec used.

Does UC320 supports Direct Inward Dialing (DID) numbers over SIP trunks?

Yes. UC320 provides the possibility for using multiple DID numbers over SIP trunks, with the following characteristics and limitations:

  • DID mapping is performed on the inbound (incoming) direction only, i.e. customers calling to the DID number can be mapped automatically to the mapped extension. In the outbound direction, all calls use the main trunk number.
  • Individual DIDs cannot be registered (SIP REGISTER) from the UC320. UC320 register the main (account) number only.

Does UC320 supports registration over SIP trunks?

Yes. UC320 supports both Peer-to-peer (no registration) and client-server (registration) SIP Trunks. This is defined on the SIP trunk configuration.

What codecs are supported via SIP trunks?

UC320 supports G.711a, G.711u and G.729 over SIP trunks

Does UC320 supports multisite connectivity via SIP trunks?

No. Current release does not support multisite connectivity. SIP trunks are designed for connectivity to an Internet Telephony Service Provider (ITSP).

Does UC320 SIP trunks supports NAT mapping?

UC320 supports multiple NAT configuration scenarios, which depending on the network connectivity and the Service Providers capability allows for handling the commonly known "NAT issue". This configuration scenarios are:

  • Service Provider provides an Outbound Proxy: UC320 can communicate to an SBC/Outbound Proxy
  • Service Provider provides/support a STUN server: UC320 SIP trunk configuration can use a STUN server to determine WAN public address. In this case, UC320 can be configured to send NAT keepalive messages to keep UDP ports open.
  • Service Provider does not offer any NAT handling issue. UC320 SIP trunk can be configured for providing a static mapping to an external IP address. In this case, UC320 can be configured to send NAT keepalive messages to keep UDP ports open.

Does UC320 supports SIP proxy redundancy?

Yes. UC320 supports DNS SRV records for having SIP proxy redundancy

Troubleshooting SIP Trunks on UC320W

Troubleshooting SIP trunks includes on UC320 is no different from troubleshooting SIP trunks on any other SIP-able device. Following are the main issues related to SIP trunk troubleshooting and the associated resolution and/or tool to use. Please note this is a living document that will be expanded and enhanced over time

RegistrationNo register - SIP proxy not reachable (DNS not resolved)Wrong SIP Trunk configuration, make sure SIP trunk domain can be  resolved or configure Outbound proxy

Registration status can be seen on Configuration Utility, Status -> External Trunks

UC320 System Logs
RegistrationNo register - No reply (200 OK) receivedWrong SIP Trunk configuration, make sure proper SIP Proxy and Outbound proxy are configuredUC320 System Logs
RegistrationNo register - No reply (200 OK) receivedFirewall (on external router/IAD) configuration, incoming 200 OK blocked at incomingUC320 System Logs + Wireshark (at WAN of external router)
RegistrationNo register - Authentication Failure (403 Forbidden)Wrong SIP Trunk configuration, make sure Authentication ID and password matches what provided by the ITSP. If so, check with SP that account is enabledUC320 System Logs
Outgoing CallsCall Failed to establish- 404 not found

Ensure you dial according to the applied dial plan. Check the outbound number signaled on the "To" header of SIP INVITE matches to what SP expects.

It is typically related to a Wrong dial plan or SIP Trunk configuration (e.g. add "+1" to "To")

UC320 System Logs

Outgoing CallsCall Failed to establish- Media Not AcceptableCheck SIP Trunk Codec Configuration, check codec offered on the SDP offer and session establishmentUC320 System Logs
Outgoing CallsCall drop after a few seconds (1-45 sec)Typically related to Firewall issues, check traces at UC320 and also at Ext. router/firewall WAN port to see if RTP packets are on transit (both ways)UC320 System Logs + Wireshark (at WAN of external router)
Incoming CallsNo incoming calls receivedTypically related to Firewall issues (close UDP port after X seconds), then incoming messages do not reach UC320. Use NAT Keepalive on SIP Trunk to keep UDP port openUC320 System Logs + Wireshark (at WAN of external router)
Incoming CallsNo incoming calls - 404 not found on UC320Related to Inbound Call Routing. Check Inbound Call Routing and make sure there is a router for SIP trunks and their associated DIDsUC320 System Logs
Incoming CallsNo incoming calls - Media Not AcceptableCheck SIP Trunk Codec Configuration, check codec offered on the SDP  offer and session establishmentUC320 System Logs
One Way AudioOne way audio - local party no audioThis is typically related to a NAT Issue. Check SIP Trunk configuration to match SP NAT requirements (e.g. STUN server or static NAT mapping in case SP do not offer an Outbound proxy or SBC functionality)UC320 system logs
One Way AudioOne way audio - local party no audio after X secondsThis is typically related to an ext. firewall issue that blocks RTP flow. check traces at UC320 and also at Ext. router/firewall WAN port to see  if RTP packets are on transit (both ways)UC320 System Logs + Wireshark (at WAN of external router)
One Way AudioOne way audio - other party no audioThis is typically related to an ext. router SIP ALG issue, which affects the SDP of the SIP message sent by the ITSP. Solution is to disable SIP ALG on the external router or replace routerUC320 System Logs + Wireshark (at WAN of external router)

Tools for troubleshooting SIP Trunks

UC320W Configuration Utility Status page

The UC320 Configuration Utility offers SIP Trunk registration status, enabling partners to check the registration status of each SIP trunk. This is useful for setup of client-server SIP trunks (i.e. SIP trunks that requires registration). It can be found on Status -> External trunks section. Possible states are: Registered (registration successful), Not-Registered (Registration unsuccessful) and blank (this happen on peer-to-peer or no registration required SIP trunks).

UC320W System Logs

Wireshark Tool

Wireshark tool is useful to debug RTP and Fax related issues as well as generic SIP issues when there is an external router/firewall/ALG (e.g. a security appliance) connected to the WAN port of the UC300. Steps to gather traces with Wireshark tool includes:

  • Setup a PC with wireshark caputure from
  • Connect a HUB or SWICTH on the WAN interface of the UC320W or the WAN interface of the firewall device, depending the issue to troubleshoot.
  • Enable Wireshark capture on the PC with a filter set up for SIP & RTP traffic to/from the UC300 - example is below
  • Make the failed call or event
  • Stop the capture and save the  trace file. Be sure to note the IP address of the UC320 and firewall WAN ports and the  SIP trunk service provider's SIP proxy IP address


Level 1
Level 1


When will be available the support multisite connectivity ??

I think this is a feature very important for Small Business..

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