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You can assign a subscription to a user or a room. For Cisco WebEx Telepresence bridge subscriptions, you can enter a descriptive name for the bridge. The information you enter here appears in the company directory that appears on all devices (see WebEx Telepresence portal: Manage your company directory).

  1. Click Assign.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • To assign a Premium subscription to a user: Select Name. Enter the user’s first name, last name, and email address.
    • To assign a Premium subscription to a room: Select Room. Enter the room name.
    • To assign a Cisco Jabber Video subscription to a user: Enter the user’s first name, last name, and email address.
    • For WebEx Telepresence bridge subscriptions: Enter a descriptive name for the bridge.
  3. To edit or customize the displayed video address, do one of the following:
    • If an assigned video address [video] is displayed for a user or room, and you want to create a custom video address in the format []: Click Customize. Enter the custom video address you want. Click Check availability to make sure this address is not already being used. Click Add.
    • If a custom video address is displayed and you want to change it: Click Edit. Enter the custom video address you want. Click Check availability to make sure this address is not already being used. Click Add
      Jabber Video subscriptions do not display a video address. Instead, the user creates a username, and the video address becomes [username]

  4. Click Save.

You can assign as many subscriptions as you want. If you leave some subscriptions unassigned, an alert appears. You can assign the rest of them now, or click Not now and assign them at any time (see WebEx Telepresence portal: Manage your subscription information).
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