Hi all,
I run a basic hierarchical QOS policy on a GRE tunnel interface over an ADSL connection. (Actually we have 30 of them.)
The policy is thus:
Policy-map QOSPOLICY
class VOICE
percent 40
class CITRIX
bandwidth 40
class class-default
Policy-map TUNNEL
class class-default
shape average 350000
service-policy QOSPOLICY
Int tun 0
service-policy output TUNNEL
Very straightforward stuff. Only today, someone managed to get over 600k over the link.
I ran SH INT TUN 0 and saw
" 5 minute output rate 601000 bps "
then I ran SH POLICY-MAP INT TUN 0 and again saw
" 5 minute output rate 601000 bps "
What in the heck is going on? Why hasnt my policy limited the traffic?