Hi All,
I hope you are well and hope you can assist with the following
We have 4 ASR routers and are planning to run otv between two Data centres
Two are the asr 1001 (with gig interfaces)
Two are the asr 1001x (with 10 Gig interfaces) and are planning the following to have 10Gig as our primary
ASR1001x ***********ASR1001 "Data Centre A Site A"
* *
* * (the WAN is VPLS)
* *
* *
ASR1001x************ASR1001 "Data Centre B Site B"
Can we have an AED between an ASR 1001 and an ASR1001x (on same site) ?
Is it possible to ensure the ASR1001x on both ends is the primary for odd vlans as the odd vlans has many servers and requires much more bandwidth or even better make the asr 1001x primary for both odd add even vlans ? (I have read about the system-ID the device with the lowest system ID on the same site is active for even vlans) which can cause problems with the design above.
The worst senerio is if on Site A the ASR1001x has the lowest system-id and on Site B it is the ASR1001. (as the asr 1001 has gig interfaces) and can cause asymetric routing etc