I'm used to the 2900 ISR and Modular QOS. I'm looking to transpose something similar to what I have done in the past. I have a PSTN router connected to my Nexus 5k and a VM host running CUCM connected to the same Nexus 5k.
Is there any basic template others that have used in the past or something someone recommends....I read briefly thru the Nexus 5k QOS guide but, it goes thru it in detail...just need something that will cover the basics....below is what I have marked and applied to 2900 routers and has worked well in the past:
class-map match-any voice-signal
match ip dscp cs5
match ip precedence 4
match ip precedence 3
class-map match-any Voice-RTP
match ip dscp ef
match ip precedence 5
policy-map Lan-Voice
class voice-signal
priority percent 1
class Voice-RTP
priority percent 50
class class-default
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
Description uplink to LAN
service-policy output Lan-Voice