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Bridge Cisco 1941

Level 1
Level 1


I need help to configure this setup 


I have a 1941 Router and i want configure bridge between PC (FastEthernet0/1/0) and Home Router (GigabitEthernet0/0), has any posibilitie to make this functonaly ? How i can configure my 1941 ?

Thanks by your help in advance!!!!

17 Replies 17

Thanks by your message but unfortunately this Router apparently don't have "bridge irb"





Hello @jamaglian,

bridge irb

interface Gi0/0

bridge-group 1

interface Gi0/1

bridge-group 1

bridge 1 route ip

interface BVI1

ip address x.x.x.x mask

The Gi0/0 and Gi0/1 interfaces have to be configured with the bridge-group 1 command.


Best regards
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Thanks by your message but unfortunately this Router apparently don't have "bridge irb"


am I doing something wrong?


Packet Tracer may simply not support the bridge function. This is not a full IOS simulation, there are some commands it does not support. Instead of Router3 1941, does a Switch should be sufficient for your topology ? 

Also, in real world, you could insert additionnal card in your router ; a Switch Ethernet card and you should use bridge commands on these interfaces instead of L3 built-in interfaces.


Best regards
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I believe it would be, however I ended up getting this as a gift and would like to use it, I don't know if I'm making the best choice but so if I give these commands on the real router will it work?

Yes sir! You could refer to @MHM Cisco World documentation's link.

Best regards
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Hello M02@rt37,

This works but only on Gi ports, can't made that with Fa direct, but with Vlan1 on bridge-group 1 and Fa port mode access and on Vlan1 all works fine, this is correct method ?



You can configure bridge between Fa0/1/0 and Gig0/0 using following commands:

bridge irb

bridge 1 route ip

interface BVI1

ip address x.x.x.x x.x.x.x

interface Fa0/1/0

bridge-group 1
no shutdown

interface Gi0/0

bridge-group 1
no shutdown

if the ports are already can skip "no shutdown"  command....

Best regards
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Thanks by your message but unfortunately this Router apparently don't have "bridge irb"


am I doing something wrong?

Has any other form with VLAN or other function ?

I think...It is the problem with packet tracer itself.....

Packet Tracer may just not support the bridge function. It is having some limitations.... there are   some commands  or feature it doesn't support.... works on real can  also try with gnsv3 if possible.....

Best regards
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Hello @Gopinath_Pigili ,

This works but only on Gi ports, can't made that with Fa direct, but with Vlan1 on bridge-group 1 and Fa port mode access and on Vlan1 all works fine, this is correct method ?


we can bridge between  two ports.....even under fa0/1/0 also use "bridge-group 1"  command....

Best regards
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Martin L

The above "bridge irb" commands are for real gear, real router; PT is just a simulator with limitations as mentioned above; however, the alternative configuration is to by pass router itself; this works in both PT sim and real router.   Since 1941 Routers support Ethernet switching module, you just use it; Ethernet switching module for routers is just like a l2 switch; it can be as switch and communicate with router itself or as l2 stand alone switch using any vlan number other then vlan 1.

Connect PC and your Home router to ports in switching module of router 1941 but not to build-in physical router ports.

Here is working sample; Note that PC got IP from Home wireless router and R1941 is not configured at all.

Note: bridge irb method mentioned above is the only way to bridge network for routers that do not support Ethernet switching module (simply not available in all models)

 Regards, ML
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